Katie Heineman, Ph.D.
Heineman, K.D., B. L. Turner, J. W. Dalling. 2021. Nutrient availability predicts multiple stem frequency, an indicator of species resprouting capacity in tropical forests. Journal of Ecology. DOI: DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13585.Bellis, J., D. Bourke, J. Maschinski, K. Heineman, S. Dalrymple. 2020. Climate suitability as a predictor of conservation translocation failure. Conservation Biology. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13518.
Jones, J.M., K.D. Heineman, J.W. Dalling. 2019. Soil and species effects on bark nutrient storage in a premontane tropical forest. Plant and Soil 438. 347-360.
Maschinski, J., J. Possley, J. Lange, O.A. Monsegur Rivera, K.D. Heineman. 2018. Evaluating Seed Banking Capacity and Propagation Potential of Endangered Sierra Bermeja Grasses: Aristida chaseae and Aristida portoricensis. Caribbean Naturalist 2. 76-89.
Salazar, A.J., J. Maschinski, J. Possley, K.D. Heineman. 2017. Seed germination of 53 species from the globally imperiled pine rockland ecosystem of South Florida, US: effects of storage, phylogeny and life-history traits. Seed Science Research. DOI: 10.1017/S0960258517000332.
Dalling, J.W., K.D. Heineman, O.R. Lopez, S.J. Wright, B.L. Turner. 2016. Nutrient availability in tropical rain forests: the paradigm of phosphorus limitation. Pages 261-274 in Tropical tree physiology: adaptations and responses in a changing environment. Edited by G. Goldstein, and L. Santiago. Springer, New York, New York.
Heineman, K.D., B.L. Turner, J.W. Dalling. 2016. Variation in wood nutrients along a tropical soil fertility gradient. New Phytologist 211. 440-454.
Dalling, J.W., K.D. Heineman, G. Gonzalez, R. Ostertag. 2015. Nutrient relations in tropical montane forests: synthesis and future directions. Journal of Tropical Ecology 32. 368-383.
Heineman, K.D., S.E. Russo, I.C. Bailie, J.D. Mamit, K. Chai, E.W. Hindley, B.T. Lau, S Tan, P.S. Ashton. 2015. Evaluation of stem rot in 339 Bornean tree species: implications of size, taxonomy, and soil-related variation for aboveground biomass estimates. Biogeosciences 12. 1-17.
Heineman, K.D., P. Caballero, A. Morris, C. Velasquez, K. Serrano, N. Ramos, J. Gonzalez, L. Mayorga, M.D. Corre, J.W. Dalling. 2015. Variation in canopy litterfall along a precipitation and soil fertility gradient in a Panamanian lower montane forest. Biotropica 47. 300-309.
Heineman, K.D., E. Jensen, A. Shapland, B. Bogenrief, S. Tan, R. Rebarber, S.E. Russo. 2011. The effects of belowground resources on aboveground allometric growth in Bornean tree species. Forest Ecology and Management 261. 1820-1832.