Shifra Goldenberg, Ph.D.
Goldenberg, S.Z., J.M. Parker, S.M. Chege, A.L. Greggor, M. Hunt, N. Lamberski, K.A. Leigh, H.H. Nollens, K.A. Ruppert, C. Thouless, G. Wittemyer, M.A. Owen. 2022. Revisiting the 4 R’s: Improving post-release outcomes for rescued mammalian wildlife by fostering behavioral competence during rehabilitation. Frontiers in Conservation Science 3:910358.Goldenberg, S.Z., P.M. Cryan, P.M. Gorresen, L.J. Fingersh. 2021. Behavioral patterns of bats at a wind turbine confirm seasonality of fatality risk. Ecology Evolution 2021; 00. 1-11.
Parker, J.M., S.Z. Goldenberg, D. Letitiya, G. Wittemyer. 2020. Strongylid infection varies with age, sex, movement and social factors in wild African elephants. Parasitology 1-12.
Goldenberg, S.Z., M.A. Owen, J.L. Brown, G. Wittemyer, Z.M. Oo, P. Leimbruber. 2019. Increasing conservation translocation success by building social functionality in released populations. Global Ecology and Conservation e00604.
Goldenberg, S.Z., G. Wittemyer. 2019. Elephant behavior toward the dead: A review and insights from field observations. Primates 61. 119-128.
Goldenberg, S.Z., G. Wittemyer. 2018. Orphaning and natal group dispersal are associated with social costs in African elephants. Animal Behaviour 143. 1-8.
Goldenberg, S.Z., I. Douglas-Hamilton, G. Wittemyer. 2018. Inter-generational change in African elephant range use is associated with poaching risk, primary productivity and adult mortality. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285:20180286.
Goldenberg, S.Z., G. Wittemyer. 2017. Orphaned female elephant social bonds reflect lack of access to mature adults. Scientific Reports 7:14408.
Goldenberg, S.Z., I. Douglas-Hamilton, D. Daballen, G. Wittemyer. 2017. Challenges of using behavior to monitor anthropogenic impacts on wildlife: a case study on illegal killing of African elephants. Animal Conservation 20. 215-224.
Goldenberg, S.Z., S. Oduor, M.F. Kinnaird, D. Daballen, I. Douglas-Hamilton, G. Wittemyer. 2016. Evidence of strong spatial segregation between elephant subpopulations in the contiguous Laikipia-Samburu ecosystem in Kenya. African Journal of Ecology 54. 261-264.
Goldenberg, S.Z., I. Douglas-Hamilton, G. Wittemyer. 2016. Vertical transmission of social roles drives resilience to poaching in elephant networks. Current Biology 26. 75-79.
Greggor, A.L., O. Berger-Tal, D.T. Blumstein, L. Angeloni, C. Bessa-Gomes, B. Blackwell, C.C. St Clair, K. Crooks, S. de Silva, E. Fernández-Juricic, S.Z. Goldenberg, S. Mesnick, M. Owen, C.J. Price, D. Saltz, C.J. Schell, A. Suarez, R.R. Swaisgood, C.S. Winchell, W.J. Sutherland. 2016. Research priorities from animal behavior for maximizing conservation progress. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31(12). 953-964.
Goldenberg, S.Z., S. de Silva, H.B. Rasmussen, I. Douglas-Hamilton, G. Wittemyer. 2014. Controlling for behavioural state reveals social dynamics among male African elephants, Loxodonta africana. Animal Behaviour 95. 111-119.
Goldenberg, S.Z., J.T. Lehman. 2012. Diatom response to the whole lake manipulation of a eutrophic urban impoundment. Hydrobiologia 691. 71-80.