Jean-Pierre Montagne, M.S.
Swaisgood, R.R., J.P. Montagne, L.A. Nordstrom, C.M. Lenihan, C.L. Wisinski, D.M. Shier. 2019. Capturing pests and releasing ecosystem engineers: translocation of common but diminished species to re‐establish ecological roles. Animal Conservation 22. 600-610.McCullough Hennessy, S., D.H. Deutschman, D.M. Shier, L.A. Nordstrom, C. Lenihan, J.-P. Montagne, C.L. Wisinski, R.R. Swaisgood. 2016. Experimental habitat restoration for conserved species using ecosystem engineers and vegetation management. Animal Conservation 19: 506–514. DOI: 10.1111/acv.12266.
Brown, T.K., J.M. Lemm, J.P. Montagne, J.A. Tracey, A.C. Alberts. 2008. Spatial ecology, habitat use and survivorship of resident and translocated Red Diamond Ratlesnakes (Crotalus ruber). Pages 377-394 in Biology of the Rattlesnakes. Edited by W.K. Hayes, K.R. Beaman, M.D. Cardwell, and S.P. Bush. Loma Linda University Press, Loma Linda, California.
Alberts, A.C., T.K. Brown, T.D. Grant, J.M. Lemm, J.P. Montagne, L.G. Milroy III, L.A. Jackintell. 2004. Conservation of the San Diego coast horned lizard on the Southwestern Riverside Multi-Species Reserve. Final Project Report to the Metropolitan Water District for Agreement No. 1550.
Swaisgood, R.R., D. Dickman, A.M. White, E. Handrus, J.P. Montagne. 1998. An evaluation of potential behavioral mechanisms of reproductive failure in captive-born southern white rhinoceros. Proceedings, Problems Associated with the Low Rate of Reproduction among Captive-born Female Southern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum). Edited by L. Patton, N. Czekala, and V. Lance. Zoological Society of San Diego, San Diego, California/United States of America.