Susan Farabaugh, Ph.D.
Greggor, A.L., B. Masuda, J.M. Gaudioso-Levita, J.T. Nelson, T.H. White, D.M. Shier, S.M. Farabaugh, R.R. Swaisgood. 2021. Pre-release training, predator interactions and evidence for persistence of anti-predator behavior in reintroduced `alalā, Hawaiian crow. Global Ecology and Conservation. DOI:, A.M., C. Rutz, S. Farabaugh, A.L. Greggor, B. Masuda, R.R. Swaisgood. 2020. Inter-aviary distance and visual access influence conservation breeding outcomes in a territorial, endangered bird. Biological Conservation 242.
Greggor, A.L., G.A. Vicino, R.R. Swaisgood, A. Fidgett, D. Brenner, M.E. Kinney, S. Farabaugh, B. Masuda, N. Lamberski. 2018. Animal Welfare in Conservation Breeding: Applications and Challenges. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 5:323. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2018.00323.
Sustaita, D., M.A. Rubega, S.M. Farabaugh. 2018. Come on baby, let’s do the twist: the kinematics of killing in loggerhead shrikes. Biology Letters. DOI:
Hedrick, P.W., P.E.A. Hoeck, R.C. Fleischer, S. Farabaugh, B.M. Masuda. 2016. The influence of captive breeding management on founder representation and inbreeding in the ‘Alalā, the Hawaiian Crow. Conservation Genetics 17. 369-378.
Heath, S.R., E.L. Kershner, D.M. Cooper, S. Lynn, J.M. Turner, N. Warnock, S.M. Farabaugh, K. Brock, D.K. Garcelon. 2008. Rodent control and food supplementation increase productivity of endangered San Clemente Loggerhead Shrikes (Lanius ludovicianus mearnsi.). Conservation Biology 141. 2506-2515.
Munkwitz, N.M., J.M. Turner, E.L. Kershner, S.M. Farabaugh, S. Heath. 2005. Predicting release success of captive-reared loggerhead shrikes (Lanius ludovicianus.) using pre-release behavior. Zoo Biology 24. 447-458.
Harvey, N.C., S.M. Farabaugh, C.D. Woodward, K. McCaffree. 2003. Parental care and aggression during incubation in captive California condors (Gymnogyps califorianus.). Bird Behavior 15. 77-85.
Harvey, N.C., S.M. Farabaugh, B.B. Druker. 2002. of early rearing experience on adult behavior and nesting in captive Hawaiian crows (Corvus hawaiiwnsis.). Zoo Biology 21. 59-75.
Heaton, J.T., R.J. Dooling, S.M. Farabaugh. 1999. Effects of deafening on the calls and warble song of adult budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus.). Journal of the Acousical Society of America 105. 2010-2019.
Farabaugh, S.M., M. Dent, R.J. Dooling. 1998. Hearing and vocalizations of wild-caught Australian budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus.). Journal of Comparative Psychology 112. 74-81.
Brittan-Powell, E.F., R.J. Dooling, S.M. Farabaugh. 1997. Vocal development in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus.): Contact calls. Journal of Comparative Psychology 111. 226-241.
Brown, E.D., S.M. Farabaugh. 1997. Vocal sharing in complex avian societies. Pages 98-127 in Influences on Vocal Development. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Farabaugh, S.M., J.M. Wild. 1997. Reciprocal connections between primary and secondary auditory pathways in the telencephalon of the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus.). Brain Research 347. 18-25.
Wild, J.M., H. Reinke, S.M. Farabaugh. 1997. A non-thalamic pathway contributes to a whole body map in the brain of the budgerigar. Brain Research 755. 137-141.