Christa Horn, M.S.
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Virapongse, Arika, B.A. Endress, M.P. Gilmore, C. Horn, C. Romulo. 2017. Ecology, livelihoods, and management of the Mauritia flexuosa palm in South America. Global Ecology and Conservation 10. 70-92.
Lopez-Toledo, L., C. Espinosa-Hidalgo, C. Horn, B.A. Endress. 2015. Efectos del manejo tradicional sobre la palma Brahea aculeata en una selva seca del sur de Sonora, Mexico. Botanical Sciences 93. 461-471.
Gilmore, M., B.A. Endress, C.M. Horn. 2013. The socio-cultural importance of mauritiaflexuosa palm swamps (aguajales) and implications for multi-use management in two maijuna communities of the peruvian amazon. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 9. 29-52.
Horn, C.M., M. Gilmore, B.A. Endress. 2013. Ecological and socioeconomic factors influencing aguaje (Mauritia. flexuosa) resource management in two indigenous communities in the Peruvian Amazon. Forest Ecology and Management 267. 93-103.
Lopez, L.L., C.M. Horn, B.A. Endress. 2011. Environmental factors and human impacts on non-timber forest products: the case of Brahea aculeata in northwestern Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management 261. 1901-1910.
Toledo-Lopez, L.L., C.M. Horn, A. Lopez-Cen, R. Colli-Diaz, A. Padilla-Hernandez. 2011. Potential management of Chamaedoreaseifrizii (Palmae): a non-timber forest product from the tropical forest of Calakmul, southeast Mexico. Economic Botany 65. 371-380.