Mathias Tobler, Ph.D.
Wampole, E.M., B.D. Gerber, Z.J. Farris, J.C. Razafimahaimodison, M.H. Andrianarisoa, C.J. Ralazampirenena, P.C. Wright, C.D. Rasamisoa, D. Gibson, M.W. Tobler, T.M. Eppley, N. Vasey, S.E. Johnson, C. Filla, K. Valenta, P. Ross, A. Murphy, S.M. Karpanty, M.J. Kelly, C. Anderson, C. Cardinal, G. Donati, P. Razafy, R. Rafaliarison, F. Rasambainarivo, J. Razafindramanana, S.D. Merson, E. Larney. 2022. Madagascar Terrestrial Camera Survey Database 2021: A collation of protected forest camera surveys from 2007–2021. Ecology. DOI:, N.C.A., T. Suwa, C.U. Ulloa, J. Miller, J. Solomon, J. Philipp, C.F. Vriesendorp, A.D. Lewis, S. Perk, P. Bonnet, A. Joly, M.W. Tobler, J.H. Best, J.P. Janovec, K.C. Nixon, B.M. Thiers, M. Tulig, E.E. Gilbert, R.C. Forzza, G. Zimbrão, F.L.R. Filardi, R. Turner, F.O. Zulaoga, M.J. Belgrano, C.A. Zanotti, J.M. de Vos, E.L.H. Giehl, C.E.T. Paine, R.T. de Queiroz, K. Romoleroux, E.H. de Souza. 2021. Identifying gaps in the photographic record of the vascular plant flora of the Americas. Nature Plants 7. 1010-1014.
Rasphone, A., J.F. Kamler, M. Tobler, D.W. Macdonald. 2021. Density trends of wild felids in northern Laos. Biodiversity and Conservation 30. 1881-1897.
Shier, D.M., A.Y. Navarro, M. Tobler, S.M. Thomas, S.N.D. King, C.B. Mullaney, O.A. Ryder. 2021. Genetic and ecological evidence of long-term translocation success of the federally endangered Stephens' kangaroo rat. Conservation Science and Practice. DOI:
Egna, N., D. O'Connor, J. Stacy‐Dawes, M. Tobler, N. Pilfold, K. Neilson, B. Simmons, E.O. Davis, M. Bowler, J. Fennessy, J. Glikman, L. Larpei, J. Lekalgitele, R. Lekupanai, J. Lekushan, L. Leminani, J. Lemirgishan, D. Lenapia, J. Lenyakopiro, R. Lesipiti, M. Lororua, A. Muneza, S. Rabhayo, S. Masiaine, K. Ruppert, M. Owen. 2020. Camera settings and biome influence the accuracy of citizen science approaches to camera trap image classification. Ecology and Evolution 00. 1-12.
Hammond, T.T., M.J. Curtis, L.E. Jacobs, M.W. Tobler, R.R. Swaisgood. 2020. Behavior and detection method influence detection probability of a translocated, endangered amphibian. Animal Conservation. DOI:
Knox, J., N. Negrões, S. Marchini, K. Barboza, G. Guanacoma, P. Balhau, M.W. Tobler, J.A. Glikman. 2019. Jaguar Persecution Without “Cowflict”: Insights From Protected Territories in the Bolivian Amazon. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2019.00494.
Tobler, M.W, R. Garcia Anleu, S.E. Carrillo-Percastegui, G. Ponce Santizo, J. Polisar, A. Zuñiga Hartley, I. Goldstein. 2018. Do responsibly managed logging concessions adequately protect jaguars and other large and medium-sized mammals? Two case studies from Guatemala and Peru. Biological Conservation 220. 245-253.
Householder, E., J. Janovec, M.W. Tobler, F. Wittmann. 2017. A Diversity of Biogeographies in an Extreme Amazonian Wetland Habitat. Pages 145-157 in Forest structure, function and dynamics in Western Amazonia. Edited by R.W. Myster. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,, Chichester, UK.
Lazenby, B.T., M.W. Tobler, W.E. Brown, C.E. Hawkins, G.J. Hocking, F. Hume, S. Huxtable, P. Iles, M.E. Jones, C. Lawrence, S. Thalmann, P. Wise, H. Williams, S. Fox, D. Pemberton. 2017. Density trends and demographic signals uncover the long-term impact of transmissible cancer in Tasmanian devils. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13088.
Luskin, M.S., W.R. Albert, M.W. Tobler. 2017. Sumatran tiger survival threatened by deforestation despite increasing densities in parks. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-01656-4.
Bowler, M.T., M.W. Tobler, B.A. Endress, M.P. Gilmore, M.J. Anderson. 2016. Estimating mammalian species richness and occupancy in tropical forest canopies with arboreal camera traps. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 1-12.
Reilly, M.L., M.W. Tobler, D.L. Sonderegger, P. Beier. 2016. Spatial and temporal response of wildlife to recreational activities in the San Francisco Bay ecoregion. Biological Conservation. DOI:
Buchalski, M.R., A.Y. Navarro, W.M. Boyce, T. Winston Vickers, M.W. Tobler, L.A. Nordstrom, J.A. Garcia, D.A. Gille, M.C.T. Penedo, O.A. Ryder, H.B. Ernest. 2015. Genetic population structure of Peninsular bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) indicates substantial gene flow across US–Mexico border. Biological Conservation 184. 218-228.
Householder, J.E., F. Wittmann, M.W. Tobler, J.P. Janovec. 2015. Montane bias in lowland Amazonian peatlands: Plant assembly on heterogeneous landscapes and potential significance to palynological inference. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 423. 138-148.
Tobler, M.W., A Zuniga Hartley, S.E. Carrillo-Percastegui, G.V.N. Powell. 2015. Spatiotemporal hierarchical modelling of species richness and occupancy using camera trap data. Journal of Applied Ecology 52. 413-421.
Meek, P.D., G. Ballard, A. Claridge, R. Kays, K. Moseby, T. O'Brien, A. O'Connell, J. Sanderson, D.E. Swann, M.W. Tobler, S. Townsend. 2014. Recommended guiding principles for reporting on camera trapping research. Biodiversity and Conservation 1-23.
Tobler, M.W., F. Hibert, L. Debeir, C. Richard-Hansen. 2014. Estimates of density and sustainable harvest of the lowland tapir Tapirus terrestris in the Amazon of French Guiana using a Bayesian spatially explicit capture–recapture model. Oryx 48. 410-419.
Tobler, M.W., S.E. Carrillo-Percastegui, A. Zuniga Hartley, G.V.N. Powell. 2013. High jaguar densities and large population sizes in the core habitat of the southwestern Amazon. Biological Conservation 159. 375-381.
Tobler, M.W., G.V.N. Powell. 2013. Estimating jaguar densities with camera traps: Problems with current designs and recommendations for future studies. Biological Conservation 159. 109-118.
Householder, J.E., J.P. Janovec, M.W. Tobler, S. Page, O. Lahteenoja. 2012. Peatlands of the Madre de Dios River of Peru: Distribution, Geomorphology, and Habitat Diversity. Wetlands 32. 359-368.
Ignatov, I., J.P. Janovec, P. Centeno, M.W. Tobler, J. Grados, G. Lamas, I.J. Kitching. 2011. Patterns of richness, composition, and distribution of sphingid moths along an elevational gradient in the Andes-Amazon region of southeastern Peru. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 104. 68-76.