Barbara Durrant, Ph.D.
Jacobs, L.E., T.T. Hammond, P.M. Gaffney, M.J. Curtis, D.M. Shier, B.S. Durrant, A. Righton, C.L. Williams, N.E. Calatayud. 2021. Using reproductive technologies to assess the development of secondary sexual characteristics, ovarian senescence and hermaphroditism in the endangered mountain yellow-legged frog Rana muscosa. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 33(9). 610-614.Ryder, O.A., C. Friese, H.T. Greely, R. Sandler, J. Saragusty, B.S. Durrant, K.H. Redford. 2020. Exploring the limits of saving a subspecies: The ethics and social dynamics of restoring northern white rhinos (Ceratotherium simum cottoni). Conservation Science and Practice. DOI: 10.1111/csp2.241.
Jensen, T., S.E. Jamieson, I. Castro, J.F. Gatrell, B. Durrant. 2019. Serum prolactin and testosterone levels in captive and wild northern brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) during the pre-breeding, breeding, and incubation periods. ZooBiology!. DOI: 10.1002/zoo.21484.
Pennington, P., K. Marshall, J. Capiro, R. Felton, B. Durrant. 2019. Ovulation induction in anovulatory southern white rhinoceros (Certotherium simum simum) without altrenogest. Conservation Physiology. DOI: 10.1093/conphys/coz033.
Williams, C.L., A. R. Ybarra, A.N. Meredith, B.S. Durrant, C.W. Tubbs. 2019. Gut Microbiota and Phytoestrogen-Associated Infertility in Southern White Rhinoceros. mBio 292: 113437.
Calatayud, N.E., M. Stoops, B.S. Durrant. 2018. Ovarian control and monitoring in amphibians. Theriogenology 109. 70-81.
Khadpekar, Y., J.P. Whiteman, B.S. Durrant, M.A. Owen, S. Prakash. 2018. Approaches to studying behavior in captive sloth bears through animal keeper feedback. Zoo Biology. DOI: 10.1002/zoo.21455.
Pennington, P.M., B.S. Durrant. 2018. Assisted reproductive technologies in captive rhinoceros. Mammal Review. DOI: 10.1111/mam.12138.
Tubbs, C.W., B.S. Durrant, M.M. Milnes. 2017. Reconsidering the use of soy and alfalfa in southern white rhinoceros diets. Pachyderm 58. 135-139.
Young, C., N. Ravida, M. Curtis, F. Mazzotti, B. Durrant. 2017. Development of a sperm cryopreservation protocol for the Argentine black and white tegu (Tupinambis merianae). Theriogenology 87. 55-63.
Croyle, K., P. Gibbons, C. Light, E. Goode, B. Durrant, T. Jensen. 2016. Chelonian Perivitelline Membrane-bound Sperm Detection: A new breeding management tool. Zoo Biology 35(2). 95-103.
Saragusty, J., S. Diecke, M. Drukker, B.S. Durrant, I.F. Ben-Nun, C. Galli, F. Goritz, K. Hayashi, R. Hermes, S. Holtze, S. Johnson, G. Lazzari, P. Loi, J.F. Loring, K. Okita, M.B. Renfree, S. Seet, T. Voracek, J. Stejskal, O.A. Ryder, T.B. Hildebrandt. 2016. Rewinding the Process of Mammalian Extinction. Zoo Biology 9999. 1-13.
Tubbs, C.W., L.A. Moley, J.A. Ivy, L.C. Metrione, S. LaClaire, R.G. Felton, B.S. Durrant, M.R. Milnes. 2016. Estrogenicity of captive southern white rhinoceros diets and their association with fertility. General and Comparative Endocrinology 238. 32-38.
Croyle, K., B. Durrant, T. Jensen. 2015. Detection of oocyte membrane-bound sperm: A tool for avian collection management. Conservation Physiology. DOI: 10.1093/conphys/cou/060.
Felton, R.G., C.C. Steiner, B.S. Durrant, D.H. Keisler, M.M. Milnes, C.W. Tubbs. 2015. Identification of California condor estrogen receptors 1 and 2 and their activation by endocrine disrupting chemicals. Endocrinology 156(12). 4448-4457.
Himelright, B., J. Moore, R. Gonzales, A. Mendoza, P. Dye, R. Schuett, B. Durrant, T. Spady. 2014. Sequential ovulation and fertility of polyestrus in American black bears (Ursus americanus). Conservation Physiology. DOI: 10.1093/conphys/cou051.
Imus, N., M. Roe, S. Charter, B. Durrant, T. Jensen. 2014. Transfer and detection of freshly isolated or cultured chickent (Gallus gallus) and exotic species’ embryonic gonadal germ stem cells in host embryos. Zoological Science 31. 360-368.
Kelleher, A., I. Erin, E. Willis, Y. Huang, A. Kouba, B.S. Durrant. 2013. Early pregnancy detection in the giant panda. . Welcome 22nd International Conference on Bear Research and Management 33-34.
Roe, M., N. McDonald, B. Durrant, T. Jensen. 2013. Xenogeneic transfer of adult quail (Coturnix coturnix) spermatogonial stem cells to embryonic chicken (Gallus gallus) hosts: A model for avian conservation. Biology of Reproduction 88. 129.
Young, C., M. Curtis, N. Ravida, F. Mazotti, B. Durrant. 2013. Development of a sperm cryopreservation protocol for the Argentine black and white tegu (Tupinambis merianae). Reproduction, Fertility and Development 26. 168-169.
Jamieson, S.E., I.C. Castro, T. Jensen, A. Wilson, B. Durrant. 2012. Factors influencing breeding success of wild North Island Brown Kiwi. North American Ornithological Conference Abstract Book 181.
Jensen, T., M. Mace, B. Durrant. 2012. Sexing of mid-incubation avian embryos as a management tool for zoological breeding programs. Zoo Biology 31(6). 694.
Zacariotti, R., M. Guimaraes, T. Jensen, B. Durrant. 2012. Cryopreservation of snake semen: Are we frozen in time? Reproduction, Fertility and Development 24. 171.
Jamieson, S.E., I.C. Castro, T. Jensen, A. Wilson, B. Durrant. 2011. The breeding ecology of North Island Brown Kiwi. Sixth Biennial Australasian Ornithological Conference Programme and Abstracts 28.
Shi, L.Z., J. Nascimento, E. Botvinick, B. Durrant, M.W. Berns. 2011. An interdisciplinary systems approach to study sperm physiology and evolution. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine. 3. 36-47.
Willis, E.I., D.C. Kersey, B.S. Durrant, A.J. Kouba. 2011. The acute phase protein Ceruloplasmin as a non-invasive marker of pseudopregnancy, pregnancy, and pregnancy loss in the giant panda. PLoS ONE 6. e21159.
Frederick, C., R. Kyes, K. Hunt, D. Collins, B. Durrant, S. Wasser. 2010. Methods of estrus detection and correlates of the reproductive cycle in the sun bear (Helarctos malayanus). Theriogenology 74. 1121-1135.
Jensen, T., M. Poling, S. Charter, B. Durrant. 2010. Characterization of cultured adult Corturnix japonica testicular germ stem cells using seven stem cell markers. Biology of Reproduction 83. 713.
Willis, E.L., D.C. Kersey, B Durrant, A.J. Kouba. 2010. Development of a non-invasive urinary assay for the determination of pregnancy status in the giant panda (Ailropoda melanoleuca). Society for Conservation Biology 24th Annual Meeting 269.
Greenberg, M., T. Maus, A. Peterson, M. Southerland-Smith, P. Morris, B. Durrant. 2009. Control of systemic hypertension during electro-ejaculation of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) using intravenous nicardipine hydrochloride. . The Internet Journal of Veterinary Medicine 6. 1-3.
Jensen, T., M. Poling, J. Parks, B. Durrant. 2009. Xenotransfer and detection of adult Corturnix japonica testicular stem cells to stage 16 Gallus gallus embryos. Biology of Reproduction 81. 664.
Lamberski, N., J.E. Oosterhuis, J.R. Zuba, G.L. Richardson, J. Andrews, A.P. Pessier, B. Durrant, R. Fayrer-Hosken. 2009. Treatment of a retained placenta in a primaparous African elephant (Loxodonta Africana). . 2009 Proceedings American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians Joint Conference 133.
Muraco, H., A. Cheng, N. Ravida, D. Arn, J. Hudson, B. Durrant. 2009. A new approach to detection of luteinizing hormone in a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Aquatic Mammals 35(3). 386-393.
Poling, M.C., J.E. Parks, B.S. Durrant, T. Jensen. 2009. Isolation of adult gonadal stem cells from Coturnix japonica and characterization of embryonic gonadal stem cells in Gallus gallus for xenotransfer. Biology of Reproduction 81. 660.
Spady, T.J., H.J. Harlow, G. Butterstein, B. Durrant. 2009. Leptin as a surrogate indicator of body fat in the American black bear. Ursus 20. 120-130.
Durrant, B.S. 2008. The importance and potential of artificial insemination in CANDES (companion Animals, non-domestic, endangered species). Theriogenology 71. 113-121.
Jensen, T., B. Durrant. 2008. Detection of testicular germ stem cells using ema-1 and ssea-1 antibodies in non-domestic avian species. Biology of Reproduction 77. 154-155.
Jensen, T., K.J. Nutt, B.S. Seal, L.B. Fernandes, B. Durrant. 2008. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the North Island brown kiwi, Apteryx mantelli. Molecular Ecology Resources 8. 399-401.
Nascimento, J.M., L.Z. Shi, J. Tam, C. Chandsawangbhuwana, B. Durrant, E.L. Botvinick, M.W. Berns. 2008. Comparison of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation as energy sources for mammalian sperm motility, using the combination of fluorescence imaging, laser tweezers, and real-time automated tracking and trapping. Journal of Cellular Physiology 217. 745-751.
Nascimento, J.M., L.Z. Shi, C. Chandsawangbhuwana, J. Tam, B. Durrant, E.L. Botvinick, M.W. Berns. 2008. Use of laser tweezers to analyze sperm motility and mitochondrial membrane potential. Journal of Biomedical Optics 13. 10.1117/1.2839051.
Spady, T.J., B.S. Lindburg, B.S. Durrant. 2007. Evolution of reproductive seasonality in bears. Mammal Review 37. 21-53.
Bolamba, D., K.D. Russ, S.A. Harper, J.L. Sandler, B.S. Durrant. 2006. Effects of epidermal growth factor and hormones on granulosa expansion and nuclear maturation of dog oocytes in vitro. Theriogenology 65. 1037-1047.
Durrant, B.S., N. Ravida, T. Spady, A. Cheng. 2006. New technologies for the study of carnivore reproduction. Theriogenology 66. 1729-1736.
Durrant, B.S., M.A. Olson, A. Anderson, F. Gual-Sil, D. Li, Y. Huang. 2006. The value and significance of vaginal cytology. . Pages 231-244 in Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and Management. Edited by D. Wildt, A. Zhang, H. Zhang, D. Janssen, and S. Ellis. Cambridge University Press, New York, New York / United States of America.
Howard, J.G., Y. Huang, P. Wang, D. Li, G. Zhong, R. Hou, Z. Zhang, B. Durrant, R. Spindler, H. Zhang, A. Zhang. 2006. Role and efficiency of artificial insemination and genome resource banking. Pages 469-494 in Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine, and Management. Edited by D.E. Widt, Z. Anju, Z. Hemin, D. Janssen, and S. Ellis. Cambridge University Press, London, England.
Jensen, T., B. Durrant. 2006. Assessment of reproductive status and ovulation in female North Island Brown Kiwis (Apteryx australis mantelli) using fecal steroids and ovarian follicle size. Zoo Biology 25. 25-34.
Jogayle, H., Y. Huang, P. Wang, D. Li, G. Zhang, R. Hou, Z. Zhang, B.S. Durrant, R.E. Spindler, H. Zhang, A. Zhang, D.E. Wildt. 2006. Role and efficiency of artificial insemination and genome resource banking. Pages 469-494 in Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and Management. Edited by D.E. Wildt, A. Zhang, H. Zhang, D.L. Janssen, and S. Ellis. Cambridge University Press, New York, New York / United States of America.
Nascimento, J.M., E.L. Botvinick, L.Z. Shi, B. Durrant, M.W. Berns. 2006. Analysis of sperm motility using optical tweezers. Journal of Biomedical Optics. DOI: 10.1117/1.2371122.
Durrant, B. 2005. Natural history and conservation of the giant panda. Journal of Reproduction and Development 51. X-XII.
Vinson, J., E. Botvinick, B. Durrant, M. Berns. 2005. Correlation of sperms’ swimming force to their swimming speed assessed by optical tweezers. . Pages 26-36 in Proceedings of SPIE Volume 5930: Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation II . Edited by K. Dholakia, and G.C. Spalding. International society for optics and photonics, San Diego, California / United States.
Durrant, B. 2004. The biology and pathology of the oocyte: Its role in fertility and reproductive medicine. Journal of Heredity 95. 540.
Durrant, B.S., M.A. Olson, D. Amodeo, A. Anderson, K.D. Russ, R. Campos-Morales, F. Gual-Sill, J. Ramos Garza. 2003. Vaginal cytology and vulvar swelling as indicators of impending estrus and ovulation in the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Panda 2000: Conservation Priorities for the New Millennium: Proceedings of an International Conference, San Diego, CA. . Edited by D.L. Lindburg, and K. Baragona. Shape of Enrichment, San Diego, California / United States of America.
Durrant, B.S., M.A. Olson, D. Amodeo, A. Anderson, K.D. Russ, R. Campos-Morales, F. Gual-Sill, J. Ramos Garza. 2003. Vaginal cytology and vulvar swelling as indicators of impending estrus and ovulation in the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Zoo Biology 22. 313-321.
Jensen, T., F. Pernasetti, B. Durrant. 2003. Conditions for rapid sex determination in 47 avian species by PCR of genomic DNA from blood, shell-membrane blood vessels and feathers. Zoo Biology 22. 561-571.
Olson, M.A., Y. Huang, D. Li, H. Zhang, B. Durrant. 2003. Comparison of storage techniques for giant panda sperm. Zoo Biology 22. 335-345.
Olson, M.A., H. Yan, D. Li, R. Spindler, J. Howard, H. Zhang, B. Durrant. 2003. Assessment of motility, acrosomal integrity, and viability of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) sperm following short-term storage at 4°C. Zoo Biology 22. 529-544.
Bolamba, D., K. Russ, M.A. Olson, J.L. Sandler, B.S. Durrant. 2002. In vitro maturation of bitch oocytes from advanced preantral follicles in synthetic oviduct fluid medium: Serum is not essential. . Theriogenology 58. 1689-1703.
Durrant, B.S., N. Czekala, M. Olson, A. Anderson, D. Amodeo, R. Campos-Morales, F. Gual-Sill, J. Ramos-Garza. 2002. Papanicolaou staining of exfoliated vaginal epithelial cells facilitates the prediction of ovulation in the giant panda. Theriogenology 57. 1855-1864.
Amodeo, D.V., A.C. Anderson, I. Wetsman, M.A. Olson, B.S. Durrant. 2001. Effect of extraction method on concentration and cryosurvival of domestic dog epididymal sperm. Biology of Reproduction 64. 222.
Anderson, A.C., D.V. Amodeo, I. Wetsman, M.A. Olson, B.S. Durrant. 2001. Analysis of characof sperm from the caput, corpus and cauda epididymis of the domestic dog. Biology of Reproduction 64. 222.
Durrant, B.S., S.E. Millard, D.M. Zimmerman, D.G. Lindburg. 2001. Lifetime semen production in a cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus). Zoo Biology 20. 359-366.
Durrant, B.S., D.V. Amodeo, A. Cheng, D.M. Zimmerman. 2001. The effect of estrous cycle stage on preantral follicle morphology in the domestic dog. Biology of Reproduction 64. 145.
Howard, J.G., Z. Zhang, R. Hou, M. Zhang, J. Zhang, S. Huang, H. Zhang, Y. Huang, D. Li, B. Durrant, R. Spindler, D.E. Wildt. 2001. Reproductive status of male giant pandas. Journal of Andrology 64. 101.
Olson, M.A., A.C. Anderson, D. Amodeo, B.S. Durrant. 2001. Resumption of meiosis in canine oocytes cultured with or without bovine serume albumin and gonadotropins. . Theriogenology 55. 489.
Olson, M.A., B.S. Durrant. 2001. Recovery and cryopreservation of germplasm in rare and endangered species. Program of the 15th annual meting of the Society for Conservation Biology 139-140.
Durrant, B., S. Harper, D. Amodeo, A. Anderson. 2000. Effects of freeze rate on cryosurvival of domestic dog epididymal sperm. Journal of Andrology 21. 59.
Durrant, B.S., D. Amodeo, A. Anderson, M.A. Olson. 2000. Effect of extraction methods on cryopreservation of canine epididymal sperm. Biology of Reproduction 62. 144.
Durrant, B.S. 2000. Development of in vitro oocyte maturation and cryopreservation techniques for the domestic dog as a model for germplasm rescue in endangered carnivores. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology Animal 36. 7A.
Durrant, B.S., K.D. Russ, J.R. Proulx, M. Reddy, S.H. Ridgway. 2000. Current techniques for semen cryopreservation in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). . Pages 239-248 in Report from the Bottlenose Dolphin Reproduction Workshop. Edited by D.A. Duffield, and T.R. Robeck. American Zoological Association Marine Mammal Taxon Advisory Group, Silver Springs, Maryland / United States.
Durrant, B.S. 2000. Challenges in developing reproductive programs in exotic animals. Pages 157-162 in Report from the Bottlenose Dolphin Reproduction Workshop. Edited by D.A Duffield, and T.R. Robeck. American Zoological Association Marine Mammal Taxon Advisory Group, Silver Springs, Maryland / United States.
Olson, M.A., B. Durrant, K. Russ. 2000. Short and long term storage of giant panda sperm. Journal of Andrology 21. 59.
Olson, M.A., A. Anderson, D. Amodeo, B. Durrant. 2000. Cryopreservation of canine oocytes from preantral follicles. Biology of Reproduction 62. 145.
Durrant, B. 1999. Challenged by captivity: Putting the zoo in perspective. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 2. 75-78.
Durrant, B.S., L. Cammidge, S. Wiley, I.B. Carlsson, P. Wesche, K.D. Russ. 1999. Cryopreservation of semen from the drill baboon (Mandrillus leucophaeus). Biology of Reproduction 60. 103.
Olson, M.A., K.D. Russ, J. Sandler, B.S. Durrant. 1999. Effect of media formulation on nuclear maturation of cultured dog oocytes. Biology of Reproduction 60. 185.
Bolamba, D., K.D. Borden, B.S. Durrant. 1998. In vitro maturation of oocytes within preantral and early antral follicles from the domestic dog. Theriogenology 49. 933-942.
Bolamba, D., K.D. Russ, S.A. Harper, J.L. Sandler, B.S. Durrant. 1998. Effects of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol-17 (E2) on cultured domestic dog advanced preantral follicles. Biology of Reproduction 58. 81.
Durrant, B. 1998. Captive breeding of wildlife. Pages 458-467 in Encyclopedia of Reproduction. Edited by E. Knobil, and J.D. Neill. Academic Press, San Diego, California.
Durrant, B.S., N.C. Pratt, K.D. Borden, D. Bolamba. 1998. Isolation and characterization of preantral follicles of the domestic dog. Theriogenology 49. 917-932.
Durrant, B.S., K.D. Russ, S.A. Harper, T. DiLiberto, C. King, C. Rosa, M. Kubler. 1998. Motility enhancement of canine epididymal sperm. Journal of Andrology 38.
Durrant, B.S., K.D. Russ, D. Bolamba, S.A. Harper, N.M. Czekala, D.G. Lindburg. 1998. The correlation of vaginal cytology with morphological, endocrinological and behavioral indicators of estrus in the giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoceuca.. Biology of Reproduction 58. 204.
Fulton, R., L. Keskintepe, B. Durrant, R. Fayrer-Hosken. 1998. Intracytoplasmic spermatozoa injection (ICSI) for the treatment of canine infertility. Theriogenology 49. 336.
Harper, S.A., B.S. Durrant, K.D. Russ, D. Bolamba. 1998. Cryopreservation of domestic dog epididymal sperm: A model for the preservation of genetic diversity. Journal of Andrology 19. 50.
Lindburg, D.L., B.S. Durrant. 1998. Delayed reproduction: The good and the bad. Zoo Biology 17. 369-371.
Russ, K.D., B.S. Durrant, S.A. Harper. 1998. Capacitation and acrosome reaction of epididymal sperm of the domestic dog. Journal of Andrology 19. 50.
Russ, K.D., D. Bolamba, S.A. Harper, J.L. Sandler, B.S. Durrant. 1998. Effects of epidermal growth factor and hormones on cumulus expansion and nuclear maturation of cultured dog oocytes. Biology of Reproduction 58. 147.
Bolamba, D., K.D. Borden-Russ, B.S. Durrant. 1997. In vitro maturation of dog oocytes derived from advanced preantral follicles in synthetic oviduct fluid: Bovine serum albumin and fetal bovine serum are not essentials. Biology of Reproduction 56. 96.
Durrant, B.S., S.E. Millard, T.S. Peterson, T.S. Everett, D.M. Zimmerman. 1997. Lifetime semen production in a captive cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus). Biology of Reproduction 56. 106.
Durrant, B.S., J.K. Yamada, S.E. Millard, C.D. Burch, D.M. Zimmerman. 1997. Seasonal comparison of semen parameters in captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). Journal of Andrology 18. 47.
Durrant, B.S. 1997. Canine germplasm rescue as a tool for the preservation of rare domestic breeds and endangered canids. Theriogenology Proceedings 261-263.
Bolamba, D., K.D. Borden, B.S. Durrant. 1996. In vitro maturation of oocytes within preantral and early antral follicles from the domestic dog. Biology of Reproduction 54. 109.
Durrant, B.S., J.E. Oosterhuis, L. Johnson, E.D. Plotka, P.G. Harms, T.H. Welsh Jr. 1996. Effect of testosterone treatment on the antler cycle of an Indian hog deer (Cervus porcinus) with low endogenous level of testosterone. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 27. 76-82.
Durrant, B.S, N.C. Pratt, K.D. Borden, D. Bolamba. 1996. Isolation and characterization of preantral follicles of the domestic dog. Biology of Reproduction 54. 157.
Trabesinger-Ruef, N., T. Jermann, T. Zankel, B.S. Durrant, G. Frank, S. Benner. 1996. Pseudogenes in ribonuclease evolution: A source of new biomacromolecular function? FEBS Letters 382. 319-322.
1995. Captive Conservation of Endangered Species: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Edited by E.F. Gibbons, B.S. Durrant, and J. Demarest. State University of New York Press, Albany, New York / United States of America. 810 pp.
Durrant, B. 1995. Reproduction in mammals: Captive perspectives. Pages 331-354 in Captive Conservation of Endangered Species: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Edited by E.F. Gibbons, B.S. Durrant, and J. Demarest. State University of New York Press, Albany, New York.
Durrant, B.S., G. Celia. 1995. Cryosurvival of Arabian oryx sperm collected post-mortem. Journal of Andrology 16. 45.
Durrant, B.S., C.D. Burch, J.K. Yamada, J. Good. 1995. Semen characteristics and artificial insemination of Chinese pheasants. Biology of Reproduction 51. 61.
Durrant, B.S., C.D. Burch, J.K. Yamada, J. Good. 1995. Seminal characteristics and artificial insemination of chines pheasants, Tragopan temmincki, Lophophorus impeyanus and Lophophorus lhuysii. Zoo Biology 14. 523-531.
Czekala, N.M., B.S. Durrant, L. Callison, M. Williams, S. Millard. 1994. Fecal steroid hormone analysis as an indicator of reproductive function in the cheetah. Zoo Biology 13. 119-128.