Thomas Jensen, Ph.D.
Jensen, T., S.E. Jamieson, I. Castro, J.F. Gatrell, B. Durrant. 2019. Serum prolactin and testosterone levels in captive and wild northern brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) during the pre-breeding, breeding, and incubation periods. ZooBiology!. DOI: 10.1002/zoo.21484.Croyle, K., P. Gibbons, C. Light, E. Goode, B. Durrant, T. Jensen. 2016. Chelonian Perivitelline Membrane-bound Sperm Detection: A new breeding management tool. Zoo Biology 35(2). 95-103.
Croyle, K., B. Durrant, T. Jensen. 2015. Detection of oocyte membrane-bound sperm: A tool for avian collection management. Conservation Physiology. DOI: 10.1093/conphys/cou/060.
Imus, N., M. Roe, S. Charter, B. Durrant, T. Jensen. 2014. Transfer and detection of freshly isolated or cultured chickent (Gallus gallus) and exotic species’ embryonic gonadal germ stem cells in host embryos. Zoological Science 31. 360-368.
Roe, M., N. McDonald, B. Durrant, T. Jensen. 2013. Xenogeneic transfer of adult quail (Coturnix coturnix) spermatogonial stem cells to embryonic chicken (Gallus gallus) hosts: A model for avian conservation. Biology of Reproduction 88. 129.
Jamieson, S.E., I.C. Castro, T. Jensen, A. Wilson, B. Durrant. 2012. Factors influencing breeding success of wild North Island Brown Kiwi. North American Ornithological Conference Abstract Book 181.
Jensen, T., M. Mace, B. Durrant. 2012. Sexing of mid-incubation avian embryos as a management tool for zoological breeding programs. Zoo Biology 31(6). 694.
Zacariotti, R., M. Guimaraes, T. Jensen, B. Durrant. 2012. Cryopreservation of snake semen: Are we frozen in time? Reproduction, Fertility and Development 24. 171.
Jamieson, S.E., I.C. Castro, T. Jensen, A. Wilson, B. Durrant. 2011. The breeding ecology of North Island Brown Kiwi. Sixth Biennial Australasian Ornithological Conference Programme and Abstracts 28.
Cunningham, S.J., I. Castro, T. Jensen, M.A. Potter. 2010. Remote touch prey-detection by Madagascar crested ibises Lophotibis cristata urschi. Journal of Avian Biology 41. 350-353.
Jensen, T., M. Poling, S. Charter, B. Durrant. 2010. Characterization of cultured adult Corturnix japonica testicular germ stem cells using seven stem cell markers. Biology of Reproduction 83. 713.
Jensen, T., M. Poling, J. Parks, B. Durrant. 2009. Xenotransfer and detection of adult Corturnix japonica testicular stem cells to stage 16 Gallus gallus embryos. Biology of Reproduction 81. 664.
Poling, M.C., J.E. Parks, B.S. Durrant, T. Jensen. 2009. Isolation of adult gonadal stem cells from Coturnix japonica and characterization of embryonic gonadal stem cells in Gallus gallus for xenotransfer. Biology of Reproduction 81. 660.
Jensen, T., B. Durrant. 2008. Detection of testicular germ stem cells using ema-1 and ssea-1 antibodies in non-domestic avian species. Biology of Reproduction 77. 154-155.
Jensen, T., K.J. Nutt, B.S. Seal, L.B. Fernandes, B. Durrant. 2008. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the North Island brown kiwi, Apteryx mantelli. Molecular Ecology Resources 8. 399-401.
Jensen, T., B. Durrant. 2006. Assessment of reproductive status and ovulation in female North Island Brown Kiwis (Apteryx australis mantelli) using fecal steroids and ovarian follicle size. Zoo Biology 25. 25-34.
Jensen, T., F. Pernasetti, B. Durrant. 2003. Conditions for rapid sex determination in 47 avian species by PCR of genomic DNA from blood, shell-membrane blood vessels and feathers. Zoo Biology 22. 561-571.
Jensen, T., A.L. Johnson. 2001. Expression and function of brain derived neurotrophin factor and its receptor, trkB, in ovarian follicles from the domestic hen (Gallus gallus domesticus). Journal of Experimental Biology 204. 2087-2095.
Johnson, A.L., J.T. Bridgham, T. Jensen. 1999. BCL-X long protein expression and phosphorylation in granulosa cells. Endocrinology 140. 4521-4529.