Christopher Tubbs, Ph.D.
Felton, R.G., C.M. Owen, J.M. Cossaboon, C.S. Steiner, C.W. Tubbs. 2020. Identification of California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) estrogen receptor variants and their activation by xenoestrogens. General and Comparative Endocrinology 289, 113392.Glucs, Z.E., D.R. Smith, C.W. Tubbs, V.J. Bakker, R. Wolstenholme, K. Dudus, L.J. Burnett, M, Clark, M.E. Finkelstein. 2020. Foraging behavior, contaminant exposure risk, and the stress response in wild California condors (Gymnogyps californianus). Environmental Research 189: 109905.
Williams, C.L., N. Garcia-Reyero, C.J. Martyniuk, C.W. Tubbs, J.H. Bisesi. 2020. Regulation of endocrine systems by the microbiome: Perspectives from comparative animal models. General and Comparative Endocrinology 292: 113437.
Tan, W., Y. Pang, C. Tubbs, P. Thomas. 2019. Induction of sperm hypermotility through membrane progestin receptor alpha (mPRα): A teleost model of rapid, multifaceted, nongenomic progestin signaling. General and Comparative Endocrinology 279. 60-66.
Williams, C.L., A. R. Ybarra, A.N. Meredith, B.S. Durrant, C.W. Tubbs. 2019. Gut Microbiota and Phytoestrogen-Associated Infertility in Southern White Rhinoceros. mBio 292: 113437.
Glucs, Z.E., D.R. Smith, C.W. Tubbs, J.J. Scherbinski, A. Welch, J. Burnett, M. Clark, C. Eng, M.E. Finkelstein. 2018. Glucocorticoid measurement in plasma, urates, and feathers from California condors (Gymnogyps californianus) in response to a human-induced stressor. PLoS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0205565.
Tubbs, C.W., C.E. McDonough. 2018. Reproductive Impacts of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals on Wildlife Species: Implications for the Conservation of Endangered Species. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences 6. 287-304.
Tubbs, C.W. 2018. Advancing Laboratory-Based Zoo Research to Enhance Captive Breeding of Southern White Rhinoceros. Pages 279-285 in The Ark and Beyond: The Evolution of Zoo and Aquarium Conservation. Edited by B.A. Minteer, J. Mainschein, and J.P. Collins. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois.
Tubbs, C.W., B.S. Durrant, M.M. Milnes. 2017. Reconsidering the use of soy and alfalfa in southern white rhinoceros diets. Pachyderm 58. 135-139.
Tubbs, C.W. 2016. California condors and DDT: Examining the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a critically endangered species. Endocrine Disruptors 4:1.
Tubbs, C.W., L.A. Moley, J.A. Ivy, L.C. Metrione, S. LaClaire, R.G. Felton, B.S. Durrant, M.R. Milnes. 2016. Estrogenicity of captive southern white rhinoceros diets and their association with fertility. General and Comparative Endocrinology 238. 32-38.
Felton, R.G., C.C. Steiner, B.S. Durrant, D.H. Keisler, M.M. Milnes, C.W. Tubbs. 2015. Identification of California condor estrogen receptors 1 and 2 and their activation by endocrine disrupting chemicals. Endocrinology 156(12). 4448-4457.
Tubbs, C., C.E. McDonough, R. Felton, M.R. Milnes. 2014. Advances in conservation endocrinology: The application of molecular approaches to the conservation of endangered species. General and Comparative Endocrinology 203. 29-34.
Tubbs, C., P. Hartig, M. Cardon, N. Varga, M. Milnes. 2012. Activation of southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) estrogen receptors by phytoestrogens: potential role in the reproductive failure of captive-born females? . Endocrinology 153. 1444-1452.
Tubbs, C., W. Tan, B. Shi, P. Thomas. 2011. Identification of 17,20β,21-trihydroxy‑4‑pregnen‑3-one (20β-S) receptor binding and membrane progestin receptor alpha on southern flounder sperm (Paralichthys lethostigma) and their likely role in 20β-S stimulation of sperm hypermotility. General and Comparative Endocrinology 170. 629-639.
Tubbs, C., M. Pace, P. Thomas. 2010. Expression and gonadotropin regulation of membrane progestin receptor alpha in Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) gonads: Role in gamete maturation. General and Comparative Endocrinology 165. 144-154.
Thomas, P., C. Tubbs, V.F. Garry. 2009. Progestin functions in vertebrate gametes mediated by membrane progestin receptors (mPRs): Identification of mPRα on human sperm and its association with sperm motility. Steroids 74. 614-621.
Tubbs, C., P. Thomas. 2009. Progestin signaling through an olfactory G protein and membrane progestin receptor alpha in Atlantic croaker sperm: Potential role in induction of sperm hypermotility. Endocrinology 150. 473-484.
Tubbs, C., P. Thomas. 2008. Functional characteristics of membrane progestin receptor alpha (mPRα) subtypes: A review with new data showing mPRα expression in seatrout sperm and its association with sperm motility. Steroids 73. 935-941.
Thomas, P., Y. Pang, J. Dong, P. Groenen, J. Kelder, J. de Vlieg, Y. Zhu, C. Tubbs. 2007. Steroid and G protein binding characteristics of the seatrout and human progestin membrane receptor alpha subtypes and their evolutionary origins. Endocrinology 148. 705-718.
Thomas, P., C. Tubbs, H. Berg, G. Dressing. 2007. Sex steroid hormone receptors in fish ovaries. Pages 203-233 in The Fish Oocyte: From Basic Studies to Biotechnological Applications. Edited by P.J. Babin, J. Cerda, and E. Lubzens. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Thomas, P., G. Dressing, Y. Pang, H. Berg, C. Tubbs, A. Benninghoff, K. Doughty. 2006. Progestin, estrogen and androgen G-protein coupled receptors in fish gonads. Steroids 71. 310-316.
Bermudez, D.S., M.R. Milnes, T.A. Bryan, M.P. Gunderson, C. Tubbs, A.R. Woodward, L.J. Guillette Jr. 2005. Seasonal variation in plasma thyroxine concentrations in juvenile alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) from three Florida Lakes . Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 141. 8-14.
Thomas, P., C. Tubbs, C. Detweiler, S. Das, L. Ford, D. Breckenridge-Miller. 2005. Binding characteristics, hormonal regulation and identity of the sperm membrane progestin receptor in Atlantic croaker. Steroids 70. 427-433.