Bruce Rideout
Hammond, T.T., M.J. Curtis, L.E. Jacobs, P.M. Gaffney, M.M. Clancy, R.R. Swaisgood, D.M. Shier. 2021. Overwinter behavior, movement, and survival in a recently reintroduced, endangered amphibian, Rana muscosa. Journal for Nature Conservation. DOI:, L.E., T.T. Hammond, P.M. Gaffney, M.J. Curtis, D.M. Shier, B.S. Durrant, A. Righton, C.L. Williams, N.E. Calatayud. 2021. Using reproductive technologies to assess the development of secondary sexual characteristics, ovarian senescence and hermaphroditism in the endangered mountain yellow-legged frog Rana muscosa. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 33(9). 610-614.
Witte, C., L.L. Hungerford, B.A. Rideout, R. Papendick, J.H. Fowler. 2020. Spatiotemporal network structure among “friends of friends” reveals contagious disease process. PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0237168.
Clark, K.B., B. Rideout, K.L. Garrett, P. Unitt, B. O'Connor. 2019. Historical and geographical patterns in Knemidocoptes mite infestations in Southern California birds. Western Birds 50. 26-36.
Magagna, M., E. Noland, L.A. Tell, G. Purdin, B. Rideout, M.W. Lipman, D. Agnew. 2018. HISTOPATHOLOGIC FINDINGS IN FREE-RANGING CALIFORNIA HUMMINGBIRDS, 1996-2017. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. DOI: 10.7589/2018-05-130.
Rideout, B., C. Hadfield. 2018. Disease risks to native wildlife from zoos and aquariums. Fowler's Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine Current Therapy, Volume 9. Edited by R. Eric Miller, N. Lamberski, and P. Calle. Elsevier Health Sciences,
Rideout, B., J. Braun, A.P. Pessier. 2018. Laboratory Diagnostics. Pages 41-53 in Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals. Edited by K.A. Terio, D. McAloose, and J. St. Leger. Academic Press, San Diego, California.
Zikovitz, A.E., I.H. Stalis, E.J. Bicknese, B.A. Rideout, G.W. Pye. 2018. Resolution of a localized granuloma caused by Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex on the cere of a Bruce's green pigeon (Treron waalia). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 32(4). 322-327.
Burgess, T.L., C.L. Witte, B.A. Rideout. 2017. Early-life exposures and Johne’s disease risk in zoo ruminants. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. DOI: 10.1177/1040638717735350.
Love, D., R. Madrigal, S. Cerveny, J. Raines, B. Rideout, N.P. Lung. 2017. CASE SERIES: CLINICAL SALMONELLOSIS IN FOUR BLACK RHINOCEROS (DICEROS BICORNIS) CALVES. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 48. 466-475.
Pfeiffer, W., J. Braun, J. Burchell, C.L. Witte, B. Rideout. 2017. Whole-genome analysis of mycobacteria from birds at the San Diego Zoo. Plos One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0173464.
Witte, C.L., N. Lamberski, B.A. Rideout, F. Vaida, S.B. Citino, M.T. Barrie, H.J. Haefele, R.E. Junge, S. Murray, L.L. Hungerford. 2017. Epidemiology of clinical feline herpesvirus infection in zoo-housed cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 251. 946-956.
Marinkovich, M., C. Wallace, P.J. Morris, B. Rideout, G.W. Pye. 2016. Lessons From A Retrospective Analysis Of A 5-Yr Period Of Preshipment Testing At San Diego Zoo: A Risk-Based Approach To Preshipment Testing May Benefit Animal Welfare. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine Mar;47(1). 297-300.
Wallace, C., M. Marinkovich, P.J. Morris, B. Rideout, G.W. Pye. 2016. Lessons From A Retrospective Analysis Of A 5-Yr Period Of Quarantine At San Diego Zoo: A Risk-Based Approach To Quarantine Isolation And Testing May Benefit Animal Welfare. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine Mar;47(1). 291-6.
Braun, J., M. Schrenzel, C. Witte, L. Gokool, J. Burchell, B.A. Rideout. 2014. Molecular methods to detect Mycoplasma spp. and Testudinid herpesvirus 2 in desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) and implications for disease management. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 50. 757–766.
Burns, R.E., E.J. Bicknese, Y. Qvarnstrom, M. DeLeon-Carnes, C.P. Drew, C.H. Gardiner, B.A. Rideout. 2014. Cerebral Angiostrongylus cantonensis infection in a captive African pygmy falcon (Polihierax semitorquatus) in southern California. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 26. 695-698.
Joyce-Zuniga, N.M., J. Roesler, C.H. Andrus, M. Sutherland-Smith, B.A. Rideout, G.W. Pye. 2014. Gastrointestinal torsions and intussusception in northern koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) at San Diego Zoo (1976-2012). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 45. 118–126.
Bellinger, D.C., J. Burger, T.J. Cade, D.A. Cory-Slechta, M. Finkelstein, H. Hu, M. Kosnett, P.J. Landrigan, B. Lanphear, M.A. Pokras, P.T. Redig, B.A. Rideout, E. Silbergeld, R. Wright, D.R. Smith. 2013. Health risks from lead-based ammunition in the environment . Environmental Health Perspectives 121. A178-A179.
Burns, R.E, J. Braun, A.G. Amien, B.A. Rideout. 2013. Hepatitis and splenitis due to systemic tetratrichomoniasis in an American white pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 25. 511-514.
Johnson, C.K., T.R. Kelly, B.A. Rideout. 2013. Lead in ammunition: A persistent threat to health and conservation. EcoHealth 10. 455-464.
Witte, C.L., N. Lamberski, B.A. Rideout, V. Fields, C.S. Teare, M. Barrie, H. Haefele, R. Junge, S. Murray, L.L. Hungerford. 2013. Development of a case definition for clinical feline herpesvirus infection in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) housed in zoos. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 44. 634-644.
Jacobson, E.R., K.H. Berry, J.F.X. Wellehan, F. Origgi, A.L. Childress, J. Braun, M. Schrenzel, J. Yee, B. Rideout. 2012. Serologic and molecular evidence for Testudinid herpesvirus 2 infection in wild Agassiz’s desert tortoises, Gopherus agassizii. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48. 747-757.
Jacobson, E.R., K.H. Berry, J.F. Wellehan Jr., F. Origgi, A.L. Childress, J. Braun, M. Schrenzel, J. Yee, B. Rideout. 2012. Serological and molecular evidence for testudinid herpesvirus 2 infection in wild gassiz’s desert tortoises, gopherus agassizii. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48. 747-757.
Rideout, B.A., I. Stalis, R. Papendick, A. Pessier, B. Puschner, M.E. Finkelstein, D.R. Smith, M. Johnson, M. Mace, R. Stroud, J. Brandt, J. Burnett, C. Parish, J. Petterson, C. Witte, C. Stringfield, K. Orr, J. Zuba, M. Wallace, J. Grantham. 2012. Patterns of mortality in free-ranging California condors (Gymnogyps californianus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48. 95–112.
Rideout, B.A. 2012. Investigating embryo deaths and hatching failure. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice 15. 155-162.
Rideout, B.A. 2012. Disorders of nondomestic mammals . Pages 201-220 in Kirkbride's Diagnosis of Abortion and Neonatal Loss in Animals, Fourth Edition . Edited by B. Njaa. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Schrenzel, M.D., T.A. Tucker, I.H. Stalis, R.A. Kagan, R.P. Burns, A.M. Denison, C.P. Drew, C.D. Paddock, B.A. Rideout. 2011. Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus in 3 wildlife species, San Diego, California, USA . Emerging Infectious Diseases 17. 747-749.
Pye, G.W., A. White, P.K. Robbins, R.E. Burns, B.A. Rideout. 2010. Preventive medicine success: Thymoma removal in an African spot-necked otter (Lutra maculicollis). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 41. 732–734.
Schrenzel, M.D., C.L. Witte, T.A. Tucker, N. Fabian, H. Greger, C. Hollis, G. Hsia, E. Siltamaki, B.A. Rideout. 2010. Genetic characterization and epidemiology of Helicobacters in non-domestic animals. Helicobacter 15. 126-142.
Witte, C.L., L.L. Hungerford, R. Papendick, I.H. Stalis, B.A. Rideout. 2010. Investigation of factors predicting disease among zoo birds exposed to avian mycobacteriosis . Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 236. 211–218.
Lamere, S.A., J.A. St Leger, M.D. Schrenzel, S.J. Anthony, B.A. Rideout, D.R. Salomon. 2009. Molecular characterization of a novel gammaretrovirus in killer whales (Orcinus orca) . Journal of Virology 83. 12956-12967.
Witte, C.L., L.L. Hungerford, B.A. Rideout. 2009. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection among offspring and their dams in nondomestic ruminant species housed in a zoo . Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 21. 40-47.
Bartholomew, J.L., S.D. Atkinson, S.L. Hallett, L.J. Lowenstine, M.M. Garner, C.H. Gardiner, B.A. Rideout, M.K. Keel, J.D. Brown. 2008. Myxozoan parasitism in waterfowl . International Journal for Parasitology 38. 1199-1207.
Capua, I., D.J. Alexander, B.A. Rideout, M. Vincent. 2008. The canging epidemiology of avian influenza . Pages 101-119 in Food Security in a Global Economy: Veterinary Medicine and Public Health . Edited by G. Smith, and A.M. Kelly. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia.
Schrenzel, M., M. Nicolas, C. Witte, R. Papendick, T. Tucker, L. Keener, M. Sutherland-Smith, N. Lamberski, D. Orndorff, D. Heckard, P. Witman, M. Mace, D. Rimlinger, S. Reed, B. Rideout. 2008. Molecular epidemiology of Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare in captive birds . Veterinary Microbiology 126. 122–131.
Witte, C.L., L.L. Hungerford, R. Papendick, I.H. Stalis, B.A. Rideout. 2008. Investigation of characteristics and factors associated with avian mycobacteriosis in zoo birds . Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 20. 186–196.
Sykes, J.M., G.M. Garner, L.L. Greer, N.P. Lung, R.L. Coke, F. Ridgley, M. Bush, R.J. Montali, B. Okimoto, R. Schmidt, J.L. Allen, B.A. Rideout, P.A. Pesavento, E.C. Ramsay. 2007. Oral eosinophilic granulomas in tigers (Panthera tigris)–a collection of 16 cases . The Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 38. 300–308.
Church, M.E., R. Gwiazda, R.W. Risebrough, K. Sorenson, C.P. Chamberlain, S. Farry, W. Heinrich, B.A. Rideout, D.R. Smith. 2006. Ammunition is the principal source of lead accumulated by California condors re-introduced to the wild . Environmental Science and Technology 40. 6143–6150.
Loeffler, K., R.J. Montali, B.A. Rideout. 2006. Diseases and pathology of giant pandas . Pages 377-409 in Giant Pandas. Biology, Veterinary Medicine, and Management. Edited by D.E. Wildt, A. Zhang, H. Zhang, D.L. Janssen, and S. Ellis. Cambridge University Press, New York, New York.
Barta, J., M. Schrenzel, R. Carreno, B. Rideout. 2005. The genus Atoxoplasma (Garnham 1950) as a junior objective synonym of the genus Isospora (Schneider 1881) species infecting birds and resurrection of Cystoisospora (Frenkel 1977) as the correct genus for Isospora species infecting mammals . Journal of Parasitology 91. 726–727.
Johnson, R.J., S. Titte, J.R. Cade, B.A. Rideout, W.J. Oliver. 2005. Uric acid, evolution and primitive cultures . Seminars in Nephrology 25. 3-8.
Meteyer, C.U., B.A. Rideout, M. Gilbert, H.L. Shivaprasad, J.L. Oaks. 2005. Pathology and proposed pathophysiology of diclofenac poisoning in free-living and experimentally exposed oriental white-backed vultures (Gyps bengalensis) . Journal of Wildlife Diseases 41. 707–716.
Oaks, J.L., M. Schrenzel, B. Rideout, C. Sandfort. 2005. Isolation and epidemiology of falcon adenovirus . Journal of Clinical Microbiology 43. 3414-3420.
Schrenzel, M., J.L. Oaks, D. Rotstein, G. Maalouf, E. Snook, C. Sandfort, B. Rideout. 2005. Characterization of a new species of adenovirus in falcons . Journal of Clinical Microbiology 43. 3402-3413.
Schrenzel, M.D., G.A. Maalouf, P.M. Gaffney, D. Tokarz, L.L. Keener, D. McClure, S. Griffey, B.A. Rideout. 2005. Molecular characterization of isosporoid coccidia (Isospora and Atoxoplasma spp.) in passerine birds . Journal of Parasitology 91. 635–647.
Johnson, R.J., B.A. Rideout. 2004. Uric acid and diet–insight into the epidemic of cardiovascular disease . The New England Journal of Medicine 350. 1071-1073.
Oaks, J.L., M. Gilbert, M.Z. Virani, R.T. Watson, C.U. Meteyer, B.A. Rideout, H.L. Shivaprasad, S. Ahmed, M.J.I. Chaudhry, M. Arshad, S. Mahmood, A. Ali, A.A. Khan. 2004. Diclofenac residues as the cause of vulture population decline in Pakistan . Nature 427. 630-633.
Oaks, J.L., S.L. Donahoe, F.R. Rurangirwa, B.A. Rideout, M. Gilbert, M.Z. Virani, R.T. Watson. 2004. Identification of a novel Mycoplasma species from an Oriental white-backed vulture (Gyps bengalensis) . Journal of Clinical Microbiology 42. 5909–5912.
Sutherland-Smith, M., C. Harvey, M. Campbell, D. McAloose, B. Rideout, P.J. Morris. 2004. Transitional cell carcinomas in four fishing cats (Prionailurus viverrinus) . Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 35. 370-380.
Committee on Diagnosis and Control of Johne’s Disease,, Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies. 2003. Diagnosis and Control of Johne's Disease. The National Academies Press, Washington, District of Columbia. 243 pp.
Committee on Smithsonian Scientific Research,, Board on Life Sciences, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Physics and Astronomy, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies. 2003. Funding Smithsonian Scientific Research . The National Academies Press, Washington, District of Columbia. 100 pp.
Rideout, B.A. 2003. Clostridial diseases in all taxa . Pages 712-718 in Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: 5th Edition . Edited by M.E. Fowler, and R.E. Miller. Saunders, Saint Louis, Missouri.
Tell, L.A., C.M. Leutenegger, R.S. Larsen, D.W. Agnew, L. Keener, M.L. Needham, B.A. Rideout. 2003. Real-time polymerase chain reaction testing for the detection of Mycobacterium genavense and Mycobacterium avium complex species in avian samples . Avian Diseases 47. 1406-1415.
George, J.W., B.A. Rideout, S. Griffey, N.C. Pedersen. 2002. Effect of preexisting FeLV infection or FeLV and feline immunodeficiency virus coinfection on pathogenicity of the small variant of Haemobartonella felis in cats . American Journal of Veterinary Research 63. 1172-1178.
Howard, L.L., R. Papendick, I.H. Stalis, J.L. Allen, M. Sutherland-Smith, J.R. Zuba, D.L. Ward, B.A. Rideout. 2002. Fenbendazole and albendazole toxicity in pigeons and doves . Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 16. 203-210.
Ralls, K., J.D. Ballou, B.A. Rideout, R. Frankham. 2000. Genetic management of chondrodystrophy in California condors . Animal Conservation 3. 145-153.
Work, T.M., J.G. Massey, B.A. Rideout, C.H. Gardiner, D. Ledig, J.P. Dubey. 2000. Fatal Toxoplasmosis in free-ranging endangered ‘Alala from Hawaii . Journal of Wildlife Diseases 36. 205-212.
Janssen, D.J., B.A. Rideout, M. Edwards. 1999. Tapir medicine . Pages 562-568 in Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, Current Therapy 4. Edited by M.E. Fowler, and R.E. Miller. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Arnhold, W., M. Anke, M. Glei, B. Rideout, I. Stalis, L. Lowenstine, M. Edwards, K.-F. Schuppel, K. Eulenberger, G. Notzold. 1998. Determination of copper status in ruminants . Trace Elements and Electrolytes 15. 65-69.
Committee on the Scientific Bases for the Preservation of the Mariana Crow,, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council. 1997. The Scientific Bases for the Preservation of the Mariana Crow . National Academy Press, Washington, District of Columbia. 103 pp.
Rideout, B.A., C.H. Gardiner, J.R. Zuba, I.H. Stalis, T. Hadfield, G.S. Visvesvara. 1997. Fatal infections with Balamuthia mandrillaris (a free-living amoeba) in gorillas and other Old World primates . Veterinary Pathology 34. 15-22.
Sutherland-Smith, M.A., B.A. Rideout, A. Mikolon, M.J.G. Appel, P.J. Morris, A. Shima, D.L. Janssen. 1997. Vaccine-induced canine distemper in European mink, Mustela lutreola . Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 28. 312-318.
Kuehler, C., M. Kuhn, J.E. Kuhn, A. Lieberman, N. Harvey, B. Rideout. 1996. Artificial incubation, hand-rearing, behavior, and release of common ‘Amakihi (Hemignathus virens virens): Surrogate research for restoration of endangered Hawaiian forest birds . Zoo Biology 15. 541-553.
Murnane, R.D., G. Meerdink, B.A. Rideout, M.P. Anderson. 1995. Ethylene glycol toxicosis in a captive bred released California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) . Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 26. 306-310.
Murnane, R.D., B.A. Rideout, W. Everett, C.H. Gardiner. 1995. Eucoccidian-induced endothelial proliferation in free-ranging horned larks (Eremophila alpestris) on San Clemente Island . Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 26. 532-538.
Rideout, B.A., P.F. Moore, N.C. Pedersen. 1992. Persistent Upregulation of MHC Class II Antigen Expression on T-lymphocytes From Cats Experimentally Infected With Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 35. 71-81.
Rideout, B.A., L.J. Lowenstine, C.A. Hutson, P.F. Moore, N.C. Pedersen. 1992. Characterization of morphologic changes and lymphocyte subset distribution in lymph nodes from cats with natural feline immunodeficiency virus infection. Veterinary Pathology 29. 391-399.
Barlough, J., C. Ackley, J. George, N. Levy, R. Acevedo, P. Moore, B. Rideout, M. Cooper, N. Pedersen. 1991. Acquired immune dysfunction is cats experimentally infected with FIV: comparison of long and short term infection. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 44. 219-227.
Hutson, C.A., B.A. Rideout, N.C. Pedersen. 1991. Neoplasia associated with feline immunodeficiency virus infection in cats of Southern California. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 199(10). 1357-1362.
Pedersen, N.C., M. Torten, B. Rideout, E. Sparger, T. Tonachini, P.A. Luciw, C. Ackley, N. Levy, J. Yamamoto. 1990. Feline leukemia virus infection as a potentiating cofactor for the primary and secondary stages of experimentally induced feline immunodeficiency virus infection. Journal of Virology 64(2). 598-606.
Pedersen, N.C., M. Torten, B. Rideout, N. Levy. 1990. Asymptomatic feline leukemia carrier status cats have enhanced susceptibility to feline immunodeficiency virus-induced disease. Developments in Biological Standardization 72. 173-184.
Rideout, B.A., P.F. Moore, N.C. Pedersen. 1990. Distribution of MHC class II antigens in feline tissues and peripheral blood. Tissue Antigens 36(5). 221-227.
Torten, M., E.E. Sparger, B.A. Rideout, N.C. Pedersen, P.A. Luciw. 1990. Coinfection of cats with FIV and FeLV affects both quantity and distribution of FIV DNA in various tissues. Vaccines 90: Modern Approaches to New Vaccines Including Prevention of AIDS. Edited by F. Brown, R.M. Chanock, H.S. Ginsberg, and R.A. Lerner. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York. 4 pp.
Rideout, B.A., G.E. Gause, K. Benirschke, B.L. Lasley. 1985. Stress induced adrenal changes and their relation to reproductive failure in captive nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) . Zoo Biology 4. 129-137.
Thompson, M.A., B.L. Lasley, B.A. Rideout, L.H. Kasman. 1984. Characterization of the estrogenic properties of a nonsteroidal estrogen, equol, extracted from the urine of pregnant macaques . Biology of Reproduction 31. 705-713.