Ignacio Vilchis, Ph.D.
Ruiz, C.R., L.I. Vilchis, R.R. Swaisgood. 2020. Exit strategies for wildlife conservation: why they are rare and why every institution needs one. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. DOI: 10.1002/fee.2163.Mills, K.L., J.K. Gaydos, C.V. Fiorello, E.R. Whitmer, S.D.L. Cruz, D.M. Mulcahy, L.I. Vilchis, M.H. Ziccardi. 2016. Post-Release Survival and Movement of Western Grebes (Aechmophorus occidentalis) Implanted with Intracoelomic Satellite Transmitters. Waterbirds 39. 175–186.
Vilchis, L.I., C.K. Johnson, S.F. Pearson, J.R. Evenson, P. Davidson, K.L. Barry, J.K. Gaydos, M.G. Raphael. 2015. Assessing ecological correlates of marine bird declines to inform marine conservation. Conservation Biology 29 (1). 154–163.
Leichter, J.J., M.D. Stokes, L.I. Vilchis, J. Fiechter. 2013. Regional synchrony of temperature variation and internal wave forcing along the Florida Keys reef tract. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119. 548-558.
Meir, J.U., P.W. Robinson, L.I. Vilchis, G.L. Kooyman, D.P. Costa, P.J. Ponganis. 2013. Blood oxygen depletion is independent of dive function in a deep diving vertebrate, the northern elephant seal. PLoS ONE 8 (12). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083248.
Forney, K.A., M.C. Ferguson, E.A. Becker, P.C. Fielder, J.V. Redfern, J. Barlow, L.I. Vilchis, L.T. Ballance. 2012. Habitat–based spatial models of cetacean density in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Endangered Species Research 16. 113–133.
Gaydos, J.K., L.I. Vilchis, M.M. Lance, S.J. Jeffries, A. Thomas, V. Greenwood, P. Harner, M.H. Ziccardi. 2012. Post-release movement of rehabilitated harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) compared to age-matched wild seals. Marine Mammal Science 29. E282-E29.
Vilchis, L.I., L.T. Ballance, W. Watson. 2009. Temporal variability of neustonic ichthyoplankton assemblages of the eastern Pacific warm pool: Can community structure be linked to climate variability? Deep–Sea Research 56. 125–140.
Vilchis, L.I., L.T. Ballance, P.C. Fiedler. 2006. Pelagic habitat of seabirds in the eastern tropical Pacific: effects of foraging ecology on habitat selection. Marine Ecology Progress Series 315. 279–292.
Vilchis, L.I., M.J. Tegner, J.D. Moore, C.S. Friedman, K.L. Riser, T.T. Robbins, P.K. Dayton. 2005. Ocean warming effects on growth, reproduction, and survivorship of Southern California abalone. Ecological Applications 15. 469–480.