Michelle Curtis
Hammond, T.T., R.R. Swaisgood, L.E. Jacobs, M.J. Curtis, B.A. McCormick, J.A. Hornfeldt, E.M. Trotman, D.M. Shier. 2022. Age-dependent effects of developmental experience on morphology, performance, dispersal and survival in a translocated, endangered species. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.14182.Calatayud, N.E., T.T. Hammond, N.R. Gardner, M.J. Curtis, R.R. Swaisgood, D.M. Shier. 2021. Benefits of overwintering in the conservation breeding and translocation of a critically endangered amphibian. Conservation Science and Practice 3 (2).
Hammond, T.T., M.J. Curtis, L.E. Jacobs, P.M. Gaffney, M.M. Clancy, R.R. Swaisgood, D.M. Shier. 2021. Overwinter behavior, movement, and survival in a recently reintroduced, endangered amphibian, Rana muscosa. Journal for Nature Conservation. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnc.2021.126086.
Jacobs, L.E., T.T. Hammond, P.M. Gaffney, M.J. Curtis, D.M. Shier, B.S. Durrant, A. Righton, C.L. Williams, N.E. Calatayud. 2021. Using reproductive technologies to assess the development of secondary sexual characteristics, ovarian senescence and hermaphroditism in the endangered mountain yellow-legged frog Rana muscosa. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 33(9). 610-614.
Shier, D.M., T.T. Hammond, M.J. Curtis, L.E. Jacobs, N.E. Calatayud, R.R. Swaisgood. 2021. Conservation breeding and reintroduction of the endangered mountain yellow-legged from in Southern California, USA. Pages 65-69 in Global conservation translocation perspectives : 2021. Case studies from around the globe. Edited by P.S. Soorae. IUCN SSC Conservation Translocation Specialist Group, Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi & Calgary Zoo, Canada, Gland, Switzerland.
Hammond, T.T., M.J. Curtis, L.E. Jacobs, M.W. Tobler, R.R. Swaisgood. 2020. Behavior and detection method influence detection probability of a translocated, endangered amphibian. Animal Conservation. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/acv.12645.
Young, C., N. Ravida, M. Curtis, F. Mazzotti, B. Durrant. 2017. Development of a sperm cryopreservation protocol for the Argentine black and white tegu (Tupinambis merianae). Theriogenology 87. 55-63.