Publications by date, newest to oldest
Moss, J.B., M.E. Welch, F.J. Burton, M.V. Vallee, E.W. Houlcroft, T. Laaser, G.P. Gerber. 2017. First evidence for crossbreeding between invasive Iguana iguana and the native rock iguana (Genus Cyclura ) on Little Cayman Island. Biological Invasions. DOI: 10.1007/s10530-017-1602-2.
Nafus, M.G., J.M. Germano, R.R. Swaisgood. 2017. Cues from a common predator cause survival-linked behavioral adjustments in Mojave desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71:158. DOI: 10.1007/s00265-017-2387-0.
Nguyen, L., N.W. Pilfold, A.E. Derocher, I. Stirling, A.M. Bohart, E. Richardson. 2017. Ringed seal (Pusa hispida) tooth annuli as an index of reproduction in the Beaufort Sea. Ecological Indicators 77. 286-292.
Owen, M.A., R.R. Swaisgood, D.T. Blumstein. 2017. Contextual influences on animal decision‐making: Significance for behavior‐based wildlife conservation and management. Integrative Zoology 12. 32-48.
Owen, M.A. 2017. Ecological Economics and Sustainability: Pandas and People: Coupling Human and Natural Systems for Sustainability. The Quarterly Review of Biology 92. 460.
Pagano, A.M., K.D. Rode, A. Cutting, M.A. Owen, S. Jensen, J.V. Ware, C.T. Robbins, G.M. Durner, T.C. Atwood, M.E. Obbard, K.R. Middel, G.W. Thiemann, T.M. Williams. 2017. Using tri-axial accelerometers to identify wild polar bear behaviors. Endangered Species Research 32. 19-33.
Pagano, A.M., K.D. Rode, S.N. Atkinson. 2017. Evaluating methods to assess the body condition of female polar bears. Ursus 28. 171-181.
Pagano, A.M., K.D. Rode, A. Cutting, M.A. Owen, S. Jensen, J.V. Ware, C.T. Robbins, G.M. Durner, T.C. Atwood, M.E. Obbard, K.R. Middel, G.W. Thiemann, T.M. Williams. 2017. Using tri-axial accelerometers to remotely identify wild polar bear behaviors. Endangered Species Research 32. 19-33.
Pfeiffer, W., J. Braun, J. Burchell, C.L. Witte, B. Rideout. 2017. Whole-genome analysis of mycobacteria from birds at the San Diego Zoo. Plos One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0173464.
Pilfold, N.W., A.S. McCall, A.E. Derocher, E. Richardson, N.J. Lunn. 2017. Migratory response of polar bears to sea ice loss: to swim or not to swim. Ecography 40. 189-199.
Rode, K.D., R.R. Wilson, D.C. Douglas, V. Muhlenbruch, T. Atwood, E.V. Regehr, E. Richardson, N.W. Pilfold, A.E. Derocher, G. Durner, I. Stirling, E. Peacock, S. Amstrup, M. St. Martin, A. Pagano, K. Simac. 2017. Spring fasting behavior in a marine apex predator provides an index of ecosystem productivity. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13933.
Ruggeri, E., K. DeLuca, G. Galli, G. Lazzari, J. DeLuca, J. Stokes, E. Carnevale. 2017. Use of confocal microscopy to evaluate equine zygote development after sperm injection of oocytes matured in vivo or in vitro. Microscopy and Microanalysis. DOI: 1017/S1431927617012740.
Rust, N.A., A. Abrams, D.W.S. Challender, G. Chapron, A. Ghoddousi, J.A. Glikman, C.H. Gowan, C. Hughes, A. Rastogi, A. Said, A. Sutton, N. Taylor, S. Thomas, H. Unnikrishnan, A.D. Webber, G. Wordingham, C.M. Hill. 2017. Quantity Does Not Always Mean Quality: The Importance of Qualitative Social Science in Conservation Research. Society & Natural Resources 30 (10). 1304-1310.
Salazar, A.J., J. Maschinski, J. Possley, K.D. Heineman. 2017. Seed germination of 53 species from the globally imperiled pine rockland ecosystem of South Florida, US: effects of storage, phylogeny and life-history traits. Seed Science Research. DOI: 10.1017/S0960258517000332.
Schmidt-Kuntzel, A., C. Wultsch, L. Boast, B. Braun, L.K. Van der Weyde, B. Wachter, R. Brummer, E.H. Walker, K. Forsythe, L. Marker. 2017. Mining Black Gold—Insights from Cheetah Scat Using Non-invasive Techniques in the Field and Laboratory: Scat-Detection Dogs, Genetic Assignment, Diet and Hormone Analyses. Pages 437-446 in Cheetah Biology and Conservation. Academic Press, London.
Smereka, C., M. Edwards, J. Pongracz, M. Branigan, N.W. Pilfold, A.E. Derocher. 2017. Grizzly bear den site selection in the Mackenzie Delta, NWT. Polar Biology 40. 503-516.
Souter, N.J., A.C. Hughes, T. Savini, M. Rao, E. Goodale, A. Van Nice, N. Huang, J-X. Liu, M.P Hunt, D.A. O'Connor, A.L. Heung-Lam, G. Gnuen, Y. Sun, I. Silva. 2017. Building conservation capacity in Southeast Asia: Outcomes of the ATBC 2015 Asia-Pacific Chapter meeting conservation education symposium. Applied Environmental Education and Communication. DOI: 10.1080/1533015X.2017.1322012.
Steiner, C.C., M.L. Houck, O.A. Ryder. 2017. Genetic variation of complete mitochondrial genome sequences of the Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis). Conservation Genetics. DOI: 10.1007/s10592-017-1011-1.
Steinman, K.J., J.K. O’Brien, G.A. Fetter, E. Curry, T.L. Roth, M.A. Owen, T.R. Robeck. 2017. An improved method for enzyme immunoassay analysis for androgens in polar bear (Ursus maritimus) urine using enzyme hydrolysis. Aquatic Mammals 43(3). 245-253.
Swaisgood, R.R., D.J. Wang, F.W. Wei. 2017. Panda downlisted but not out of the woods. Conservation Letters 0(0). 1-9.
Swaisgood, R.R., L.A. Nordstrom, J.G. Schuetz, J.T. Boylan, J.J. Fournier, B. Shemai. 2017. A management experiment evaluating nest-site selection by beach-nesting birds. Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.2134.
Tanimoto, A.M., P.J. Hart, A.A. Pack, R. Switzer, P.C. Banko, D.L. Ball, E. Sebastian-Gonzalez, L. Komarczyk, M.H. Warrington. 2017. Changes in vocal repertoire of the Hawaiian Crow, Corvus hawaiiensis from past wild to current captive populations. Animal Behaviour 123. 427-432.
Tubbs, C.W., B.S. Durrant, M.M. Milnes. 2017. Reconsidering the use of soy and alfalfa in southern white rhinoceros diets. Pachyderm 58. 135-139.
Tuttle, E.M., A.S. Grunst, M.L. Grunst, M.L. Korody, A.M. Betuel, M. Barcelo-Serra, G. Bierly, R.A. Gonser. 2017. Climatically driven changes in population composition and offspring sex-morph ratio in a polymorphic species. Ecosphere. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.1762.
Van der Weyde, L.K., T.Y. Hubel, J. Horgan, J. Shotton, R. McKenna, A.M. Wilson. 2017. Movement patterns of cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) in farmlands in Botswana. Biology Open 6. 118-124.
Vanderplank, S., A. Peralta-Garcia, J.H. Valdez-Villavicencio, C.A. de la Rosa. 2017. Plantas y animales únicos de las islas del Pacífico de Baja California / Unique plants and animals of the Baja California Pacific Islands. Botanical Research Institute of Texas Press, Fort Worth, Texas. 106 pp.
Verissimo, D., A. Bianchessi, A. Arrivillaga, F.C. Cadiz, R. Mancao, K. Green. 2017. Does It Work for Biodiversity? Experiences and Challenges in the Evaluation of Social Marketing Campaigns. Social Marketing Quarterly. DOI: 10.1177/1524500417734806.
Veríssimo, D., G. Vaughan, M. Ridout, C. Waterman, D. MacMillan, R.J. Smith. 2017. Increased conservation marketing effort has major fundraising benefits for even the least popular species. Biological Conservation 211. 95-101.
Veríssimo, D., J.C. Cugnière, S. Cugnière, J. Cugnière, G. Cugnière, L. Cugnière. 2017. Record number of Yellow-billed Oxpeckers Buphagus africanus Linnaeus, 1766 (Aves: Passeriformes: Buphagidae) foraging on a single host. Journal of Threatened Taxa 9 (1). 9768-9770.
Virapongse, Arika, B.A. Endress, M.P. Gilmore, C. Horn, C. Romulo. 2017. Ecology, livelihoods, and management of the Mauritia flexuosa palm in South America. Global Ecology and Conservation 10. 70-92.
Ware, J.V., K.D. Rode, J.F. Bromaghin, D.C. Douglas, R.R. Wilson, E.V. Regehr, S.C. Amstrup, G.M. Durner, A.M. Pagano, J. Olson, C.T. Robbins, H.T. Jansen. 2017. Habitat degradation affects the summer activity of polar bears. Oecologia 184. 87-99.
Watsa, M., G.A. Erkenswick, E. Robakis. 2017. Modeling developmental class provides insights into individual contributions to infant survival in callitrichids. International Journal of Primatology 38(6). 1032-1057.
Welch, M.E., G. Colosimo, S.A. Pasachnik, C.L. Malone, J. Hilton, J. Long, A.G. Getz, A.C. Alberts, G.P. Gerber. 2017. Molecular variation and population structure in critically endangered Turks and Caicos Rock Iguanas: identifying intraspecific conservation units and revising subspecific taxonomy. Conservation Genetics. DOI: 10.1007/s10592-016-0922-6.
Wiig, Ø., E.K. Born, K.L. Laidre, R. Dietz, M.V. Jensen, G.M. Durner, A.M. Pagano, E. Regehr, M. St. Martin, S. Atkinson, M. Dyck. 2017. Performance and retention of lightweight satellite radio tags applied to the ears of polar bears (Ursus maritimus). Animal Biotelemetry 5:9.
Wilianto, E., H.T. Wibisono. 2017. A revised global conservation assessment of the Javan Ferret Badger Melogale orientalis . Small Carnivore Conservation 54. 75-82.
Wintle, N.J.P., M.S. Martin-Wintle, X. Zhou, H. Zhang. 2017. Blood Lead Levels in Captive Giant Pandas. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 1-5.
Witte, C.L., N. Lamberski, B.A. Rideout, F. Vaida, S.B. Citino, M.T. Barrie, H.J. Haefele, R.E. Junge, S. Murray, L.L. Hungerford. 2017. Epidemiology of clinical feline herpesvirus infection in zoo-housed cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 251. 946-956.
Yee, M., J. Reimer, N.J. Lunn, R.R. Togunov, N.W. Pilfold, A.G. McCall, A.E. Derocher. 2017. Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) migration from maternal dens in Western Hudson Bay. Arctic 70 (3). 319-327.
Young, C., N. Ravida, M. Curtis, F. Mazzotti, B. Durrant. 2017. Development of a sperm cryopreservation protocol for the Argentine black and white tegu (Tupinambis merianae). Theriogenology 87. 55-63.
Zero, V., A. Barocas, D. Jochimsen, A. Pelletier, X. Giroux-Bougard, D. Trumbo, J.A. Castillo, D. Evans Mack, M. Linnell, R. Pigg, J. Hoisington-Lopez, S. Spear, M.A. Murphy, L. Waits. 2017. Complementary Network-Based Approaches for Exploring Genetic Structure and Functional Connectivity in Two Vulnerable, Endemic Ground Squirrels. Frontiers in Genetics. DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2017.00081.
Amato, K.R., S.J. Metcalf, S.J. Song, V.L. Hale, J. Clayton, G. Ackermann, G. Humphrey, K. Niu, D. Cui, H. Zhao, M.D. Schrenzel, C.L. Tan, R. Knight, J. Braun. 2016. Using the gut microbiota as a novel tool for examining colobine primate GI health. Global Ecology and Conservation 7. 225-237.
Annamalai, K., K. Gührs, R. Koehler, M. Schmidt, H. Michel, C. Loos, P.M. Gaffney, C.J. Sigurdson, U. Hegenbart, S. Schönland, M. Fändrich. 2016. Polymorphism of Amyloid Fibrils In Vivo. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55(15). 4822-4825.
Berger-Tal, O., R.N. Blumstein, S.L. Fisher, S.L. Mesnick, M.A. Owen, D. Saltz, C.C. St. Claire, R.R. Swaisgood. 2016. A systematic survey of the integration of behavior into wildlife conservation and management. Conservation Biology 30. 744-753.
Bowler, M.T., M.W. Tobler, B.A. Endress, M.P. Gilmore, M.J. Anderson. 2016. Estimating mammalian species richness and occupancy in tropical forest canopies with arboreal camera traps. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 1-12.
Buckley, L.J., K. De Queiroz, T. Grant., B.D. Hollingsworth, J.B. Iverson, S.A. Pasachnik, C.L. Stephen. 2016. A checklist of the iguanas of the world (Iguanidae; Iguaninae). Pages 4-46 in Iguanas: Biology, Systematics, and Conservation. Edited by J.B. Iverson, T.D. Grant, C.R. Knapp, and S.A. Pasachnik. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11 (Monograph 6),
Chand, R., J. Niukula, J. Vadada, R. Fisher, K. Lovich, S. Pasachnik, S. Rasalato, B. Thaman, E. Seniloli, T. Tuamoto, T. Yanuya, P. Harlow. 2016. Captive breeding and re-introductions of the Monuriki Island Crested Iguana in Fiji. Pages 76-81 in Global Re-introduction Perspectives: 2016. Case-studies from around the globe. Edited by P.S. Soorae. IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group and Abu Dhabi, UAE: Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi, Gland, Gland, Switzerland.
Corso, J., M. Bowler, E.W. Heymann, C. Roos, N.I. Mundy. 2016. Highly polymorphic colour vision in a New World monkey with red facial skin, the bald uakari (Cacajao calvus). Proceedings of the Royal Society B. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.0067.
Cosentino, A.M., D. Veríssimo. 2016. Ending the citation of retracted papers. Conservation Biology 30. 676-678.
Croyle, K., P. Gibbons, C. Light, E. Goode, B. Durrant, T. Jensen. 2016. Chelonian Perivitelline Membrane-bound Sperm Detection: A new breeding management tool. Zoo Biology 35(2). 95-103.
Crudge, B., D. O’Connor, M. Hunt, E.O. Davis, C. Browne-Nunez. 2016. Groundwork for effective conservation education: an example of in situ and ex situ collaboration in South East Asia. International Zoo Yearbook 50. 1-15.
Curry, C.J. 2016. A Century of Conservation Genetics: Comparative study on the African Lion. Applied Biodiversity Science Perspectives Series No. 6.
Dalling, J.W., K.D. Heineman, O.R. Lopez, S.J. Wright, B.L. Turner. 2016. Nutrient availability in tropical rain forests: the paradigm of phosphorus limitation. Pages 261-274 in Tropical tree physiology: adaptations and responses in a changing environment. Edited by G. Goldstein, and L. Santiago. Springer, New York, New York.
Davis, E.O., D. O'Connor, B. Crudge, A. Carignan, J.A. Glikman, C. Browne-Nunez, M. Hunt. 2016. Understanding public perceptions and motivations around bear part use: A study in northern Laos of attitudes of Chinese tourists and Lao PDR nationals. Biological Conservation 203. 282-289.
Eppley, T.M., G. Donati, J.U. Ganzhorn. 2016. Determinants of terrestrial feeding in an arboreal primate: the case of the southern bamboo lemur (Hapalemur meridionalis). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 161(2). 328-342.
Eppley, T.M., G. Donati, J.U. Ganzhorn. 2016. Unusual sleeping site selection by southern bamboo lemurs. Primates 57(2). 167-173.
Eppley, T.M., G. Donati, J.U. Ganzhorn. 2016. Asynchronous parturition in a multi-fetal strepsirrhine. Animal Reproduction 13(1). 50-54.
Eppley, T.M., J.U. Ganzhorn, G. Donati. 2016. Latrine behaviour as a multimodal communicatory signal station in wild lemurs: the case of Hapalemur meridionalis. Animal Behaviour 111(1). 57-67.
Epstein, B., R. Hamede, S. Hendricks, M. Jones, H. McCallum, E. Murchison, B. Schönfeld, C. Wiench, P. Hohenlohe, A. Storfer. 2016. Rapid evolutionary response to a transmissible cancer in Tasmanian devils. Nature Communications 7. 12684.
Frank, B., J.A. Glikman, M. Sutherland, A. Bath. 2016. Predictors of Extreme Negative Feelings Toward Coyote in Newfoundland. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 21(4). 297-310.
Gaffney, P.M., C. Witte, D.L. Clifford, D.M. Imai, T.D. O'Brian, M. Trejo, F. Liberta, K. Annamalai, M. Fandrich, E. Masliah, L. Munson, C.J. Sigurdson. 2016. Systemic Amyloid A Amyloidosis in Island Foxes (Urocyon littoralis): Severity and Risk Factors. Veterinary Pathology 53(3). 637-647.
Gaffney, P.M. 2016. Amyloid A Amyloidosis: The Influence of Genetics and Seeding on Pathogenesis and the Utility of Mass Spectrometry. Veterinary Pathology 54. 5-8.
Garshelis, D., R. Swaisgood, D. Wang, R. Steinmetz. 2016. Giant pandas a beacon for hope at World Conservation Congress. International Bear News 15. 6-8.
Gilad, O., R.R. Swaisgood, M.A. Owen, X. Zhou. 2016. Odor cues for long-lasting mother-daughter recognition in the giant panda. Current Zoology 1. 1-4.
Goldenberg, S.Z., S. Oduor, M.F. Kinnaird, D. Daballen, I. Douglas-Hamilton, G. Wittemyer. 2016. Evidence of strong spatial segregation between elephant subpopulations in the contiguous Laikipia-Samburu ecosystem in Kenya. African Journal of Ecology 54. 261-264.
Goldenberg, S.Z., I. Douglas-Hamilton, G. Wittemyer. 2016. Vertical transmission of social roles drives resilience to poaching in elephant networks. Current Biology 26. 75-79.
Greggor, A.L., O. Berger-Tal, D.T. Blumstein, L. Angeloni, C. Bessa-Gomes, B.F. Blackwell, C. Cassady St Clair, K. Crooks, S. de Silva, E. Fernández-Juricic, S.Z. Goldenberg, S.L. Mesnick, M.A. Owen, C.J. Price, D. Saltz, C.J. Schell, A.V. Suarez, R.R. Swaisgood, C.S. Winchell, W.J. Sutherland. 2016. Research priorities from animal behaviour for maximising conservation progress. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31. 954-964.
Greggor, A.L., O. Berger-Tal, D.T. Blumstein, L. Angeloni, C. Bessa-Gomes, B. Blackwell, C.C. St Clair, K. Crooks, S. de Silva, E. Fernández-Juricic, S.Z. Goldenberg, S. Mesnick, M. Owen, C.J. Price, D. Saltz, C.J. Schell, A. Suarez, R.R. Swaisgood, C.S. Winchell, W.J. Sutherland. 2016. Research priorities from animal behavior for maximizing conservation progress. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31(12). 953-964.
Greggor, A.L., A. Thornton. 2016. Convergent Evolution of Intelligence. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Edited by T.K. Shackelford, and V.A. Weekes-Shackelford. Springer International Publishing,
Greggor, A.L., J.W. Jolles, A. Thornton, N.S. Clayton. 2016. Seasonal changes in neophobia and its consistency in rooks: the effect of novelty type and dominance position. Animal Behaviour 121. 11-20.
Greggor, A.L., G.E. Mclvor, N.S. Clayton, A. Thornton. 2016. Contagious risk taking: social information and context influence wild jackdaws’ responses to novelty and risk. Scientific Reports 6(27764).
Greggor, A.L., N.S. Clayton, A.J.C. Fulford, A. Thornton. 2016. Street smart: faster approach towards litter in urban areas by highly neophobic corvids and less fearful birds. Animal Behaviour 117. 123-133.
Greggor, A.L., M.E. Laidre. 2016. Food fights: aggregations of marine hermit crabs (Pagurus samuelis) compete equally hard for food- and shell-related carrion. Bulletin of Marine Science 92. 293-303.
Hale, V.L., C.L. Tan, K. Niu, Y. Yang, D. Cui, H. Zhao, R. Knight, K.R. Amato. 2016. Effects of field conditions on fecal microbiota. Journal of Microbiological Methods 130. 180-188.
Hammond, T.T., D. Springthorpe, R.E. Walsh, T. Berg-Kirkpatrick. 2016. Using accelerometers to remotely and automatically characterize behavior in small animals. Journal of Experimental Biology 219(11). 1618-24.
Hedrick, P.W., P.E.A. Hoeck, R.C. Fleischer, S. Farabaugh, B.M. Masuda. 2016. The influence of captive breeding management on founder representation and inbreeding in the ‘Alalā, the Hawaiian Crow. Conservation Genetics 17. 369-378.
Heineman, K.D., B.L. Turner, J.W. Dalling. 2016. Variation in wood nutrients along a tropical soil fertility gradient. New Phytologist 211. 440-454.
Hendricks, S., P. Sesink-Clee, R. Harrigan, J. Pollinger, A. Freedman, R. Callas, R. Figura, R. Wayne. 2016. Re-defining historical geographic range in species with sparse records: Implications for the Mexican wolf reintroduction program. Biological Conservation 194. 48-57.
Holmes, M.W., T.T. Hammond, G.O.U. Wogan, R.E. Walsh, K. LaBarbera, E.A. Wommack, F.M. Martins, J.C. Crawford, K.L. Mack, L.M. Bloch, M.W. Nachman. 2016. Natural historycollections as windows on evolutionary processes. Molecular Ecology 25. 864-881.
Iverson, J.B., T.D. Grant, C.R. Knapp, S.A. Pasachnik (eds.). 2016. Iguanas: Biology, Systematics, and Conservation. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11. 1-270.
Ivy, J.A., A.S. Putnam, A.Y. Navarro, J. Gurr, O.A. Ryder. 2016. Applying SNP-derived molecular ancestry estimates to captive breeding programs. Journal of Heredity 107(5). 403-412.
Jacobs, L.E., A. Vega, S. Dudgeon, K. Kaiser, J.M. Robertson. 2016. Local not vocal: assortative female choice in divergent populations of red-eyed treefrogs, Agalychnis callidryas (Hylidae: Phyllomedusinae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 120. 171-178.
Jacobs, L.E., J.M. Robertson, K. Kaiser. 2016. Variation in male spermiation response to exogenous hormones among divergent populations of Red-eyed Treefrogs. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 14. 83.
Kühl, H.S., A.K. Kalan, M. Arandjelovic, F. Aubert, L. D’Auvergne, A. Goedmakers, S. Jones, L. Kehoe, S. Regnaut, A. Tickle, E. Ton, J. van Schijndel, E.E. Abwe, S. Angedakin, A. Agbor, E.A. Ayimisin, E. Bailey, M. Bessone, M. Bonnet, G. Brazolla, V.E. Buh, R. Chancellor, C. Cipoletta, H. Cohen, K. Corogenes, C. Coupland, B. Curran, T. Deschner, K. Dierks, P. Dieguez, E. Dilambaka, O. Diotoh, D. Dowd, A. Dunn, H. Eshuis, R. Fernandez, Y. Ginath, J. Hart, D. Hedwig, M.T. Heegde, T.C. Hicks, I. Imong, K.J. Jeffery, J. Junker, P. Kadam, M. Kambi, I. Kienast, D. Kujirakwinja, K. Langergraber, V. Lapeyre, J. Lapuente, K. Lee, V. Leinert, A. Meier, G. Maretti, S. Marrocoli, T.J. Mbi, V. Mihindou, Y. Moebius, D. Morgan, B. Morgan, F. Mulindahabi, M. Murai, P. Niyigabae, E. Normand, N. Ntare, L.J. Ormsby, A. Piel, J. Pruetz, A. Rundus, C. Sanz, V. Sommer, F. Stewart, N. Tagg, H. Vanleeuwe, V. Vergnes, J. Willie, R.M. Wittig, K. Zuberbuehler, C. Boesch. 2016. Chimpanzee accumulative stone throwing. Nature Scientific Reports 6. DOI: 10.1038/srep22219.
Lemm, J.L., E. Cueva. 2016. Diet and Social Behavior: Callopistes flavipunctatus. Herpetological Review 47. 133-134.
Lemm, M.C., J.M. Lemm. 2016. Plestiodon skiltonianus interparietalis (Coronado skink) - Avian predation. Herpetological Review 47. 302-303.
Lewis, S., M. Duncan, M.L. Houck, R. Bloch, H. Haefele. 2016. Congenital cleft palate and cardiac septal defects in a southern black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis minor). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47. 876-878.
Li, H., J. Xiang-Yu, G. Dai, Z. Gu, C. Ming, Z. Yang, O.A. Ryder, W.H. Li, Y.X. Fu, Y.P. Zhang. 2016. Large numbers of vertebrates began rapid population decline in the late 19th century. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 113. 14079-14084.
Liu, Y., D. Veríssimo, F. Farhidi. 2016. Using social norm to promote energy conservation in a public building. Energy and Buildings 133. 32-36.
Marinkovich, M., C. Wallace, P.J. Morris, B. Rideout, G.W. Pye. 2016. Lessons From A Retrospective Analysis Of A 5-Yr Period Of Preshipment Testing At San Diego Zoo: A Risk-Based Approach To Preshipment Testing May Benefit Animal Welfare. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine Mar;47(1). 297-300.
Maschinski, J., P. Quintana-Ascencio. 2016. Implications of Population and Metapopulation Theory for Restoration Science and Practice. Foundations of Restoration Ecology, 2nd Edition. Edited by M.A. Palmer, D.A. Falk, and J.B. Zedler. Island Press, Washington DC,
McCall, A.S., N.W. Pilfold, A.E. Derocher, N.J. Lunn. 2016. Seasonal habitat selection by female polar bears of western Hudson Bay. Population Ecology 58. 407-419.
McCullough Hennessy, S., D.H. Deutschman, D.M. Shier, L.A. Nordstrom, C. Lenihan, J.-P. Montagne, C.L. Wisinski, R.R. Swaisgood. 2016. Experimental habitat restoration for conserved species using ecosystem engineers and vegetation management. Animal Conservation 19: 506–514. DOI: 10.1111/acv.12266.
Miller, J.S., P.P. Lowry II, J. Aronson, S. Blackmore, K. Havens, J. Maschinski. 2016. Conserving biodiversity through ecological restoration: the potential contributions of botanical gardens and arboreta. Candollea 71. 91-98.
Miller, L.J., C.B. Pisacane, G.A. Vicino. 2016. Relationship between behavioural diversity and faecal glucocorticoid metabolites: a case study with cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). Animal Welfare 25. 325-329.
Mills, K.L., J.K. Gaydos, C.V. Fiorello, E.R. Whitmer, S.D.L. Cruz, D.M. Mulcahy, L.I. Vilchis, M.H. Ziccardi. 2016. Post-Release Survival and Movement of Western Grebes (Aechmophorus occidentalis) Implanted with Intracoelomic Satellite Transmitters. Waterbirds 39. 175–186.
Moore, C.E., J. Juan, Y. Lin, C.L. Gaskill, B. Puschner. 2016. Comparison of Protein Phosphatase Inhibition Assay with LC-MS/MS for Diagnosis of Microcystin Toxicosis in Veterinary Cases. Marine drugs 14(3). 54.
Nafus, M.G., T.C. Esque, R.C. Averill-Murray, K.E. Nussear, R.R. Swaisgood. 2016. Habitat drives dispersal and survival of translocated juvenile desert tortoises. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12774.
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