Prickly Plantings Boost Rare Bird Species in Biodiversity Reserve
San Diego Zoo Safari Park staff are delighted to announce that a cactus wren has nested in a post-wildfire recovery area at the San...
Team Now Preparing for Additional Releases This Fall
In their forest home in the Pu‘u Maka‘ala Natural Area Reserve on Hawai‘i Island, 11 ʻAlalā - native Hawaiian crows - appear to be...
Conservationists in Hawai‘i are rejoicing over the first successful breeding of ‘akikiki in captivity. The ‘akikiki is a critically endangered bird species found only in the remote forests of...
Researchers at the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research received tissue biopsies from two rare and critically endangered vaquita porpoises at the end of 2017. The material, containing living cells,...
Long-term Project to Protect Endangered Birds by Starting New Colony Helps Save Species
A long-term plan to preserve the Rimatara lorikeet by restoring an extirpated population of the species on...
Polar bears are one of the most mobile quadrupeds on the planet—often walking vast distances on the Arctic sea ice in search of food. Previous research in the 1970s and 1980s suggested that these bears...