Publications by date, newest to oldest
Rogers, D.L., C.O. Qualset, P.E. McGuire, O.A. Ryder. 2009. The silent biodiversity crisis: Loss of genetic resource collections. Pages 141-59 in Conservation Genetics in the Age of Genomics. Edited by
G. Amato, R. DeSalle, O.A. Ryder, and H.C. Rosenbaum. Columbia University Press, New York, New York/United States of America.
Romanov, M.N., E.M. Tuttle, M.L. Houck, W.S. Modi, L.G. Chemnick, M.L. Korody, E.M.S. Mork, C.A. Otten, T. Renner, K.C. Jones, S. Dandekar, J.C. Papp, Y. Da, E.D. Green, V. Magrini, M.T. Hickenbotham, J. Glasscock, S. McGrath, E.R. Mardis, O.A. Ryder. 2009. The value of avian genomics to the conservation of wildlife. BMC Genomics. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-10-S2-S10.
Ryder, O.A., C.C. Steiner. 2009. How much hybridization and in what direction? Animal Conservation 12. 516-517.
Ryder, O.A. 2009. Forests of the night: Refugia of genetic diversity in wild tigers. PLoS Genetics 5. e1000603.
Smith, R.J., D. Veríssimo, N. Leader-Williams, A.T. Knight, R.M. Crowling. 2009. Let the locals lead. Nature 462. 280-281.
Spady, T.J., H.J. Harlow, G. Butterstein, B. Durrant. 2009. Leptin as a surrogate indicator of body fat in the American black bear. Ursus 20. 120-130.
Steiner, C.C., H. Rompler, L.M. Boettger, T. Schoneberg, H.E. Hoekstra. 2009. The genetic basis of phenotypic convergence in beach mice: Similar pigment patterns but different genes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 26. 35-45.
Swaisgood, R.R. 2009. Zoos dream of becoming conservation NGOs. . Conservation Biology 23. 1338-1340.
Takahashi, M., J.R. Tobey, C.B. Pisacane, C.H. Andrus. 2009. Evaluating the utility of an accelerometer and urinary hormone analysis as indicators of estrus in a zoo-housed koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). Zoo Biology 28. 59-68.
Thomas, P., C. Tubbs, V.F. Garry. 2009. Progestin functions in vertebrate gametes mediated by membrane progestin receptors (mPRs): Identification of mPRα on human sperm and its association with sperm motility. Steroids 74. 614-621.
Tobey, J.R., T.R. Nute, F.B. Bercovitch. 2009. Age and seasonal changes in the semiochemicals of the sternal gland secretions of male koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus). Australian Journal of Zoology 57. 111-118.
Tubbs, C., P. Thomas. 2009. Progestin signaling through an olfactory G protein and membrane progestin receptor alpha in Atlantic croaker sperm: Potential role in induction of sperm hypermotility. Endocrinology 150. 473-484.
Vazquez, V.M., B.B. Rothermel, A.P. Pessier. 2009. Experimental infections of North American plethodontid salamanders with the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. . Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 84. 1-7.
Veríssimo, D., I. Fraser, J. Groombridge, R. Bristol, D.C. MacMillan. 2009. Birds as tourism flagship species: a case study of tropical islands. Animal Conservation 12. 549-558.
Vilchis, L.I., L.T. Ballance, W. Watson. 2009. Temporal variability of neustonic ichthyoplankton assemblages of the eastern Pacific warm pool: Can community structure be linked to climate variability? Deep–Sea Research 56. 125–140.
Wade, C.M., E. Giulotto, S. Sigurdsson, M. Zoli, S. Gnerre, F. Imsland, T.L. Lear, D.L. Adelson, E. Bailey, R.R. Bellone, H. Blocker, O. Distl, R.C. Edgar, M. Garber, T. Leeb, E. Mauceli, J.N. MacLeod, M.C.T. Penedo, J.M. Raison, T. Sharpe, J. Vogel, L. Andersson, D.F. Antczak, T. Biagi, M.M. Binns, B.P. Chowdhary, S.J. Coleman, G. Della Valle, S. Fryc, G. Guerin, T. Hasegawa, E.W. Hill, J. Jurka, A. Kiialainen, G. Lindgren, J. Liu, E. Magnani, J.R. Mickelson, J. Murray, S.G. Nergadze, R. Onofrio, S. Pedroni, M.F. Piras, T. Raudsepp, M. Rocchi, K.H. Roed, O.A. Ryder, S. Searle, L. Skow, J.E. Swinburne, A.C. Syvanen, T. Tozaki, S.J. Valberg, M. Vaudin, J.R. White, M.C. Zody, Broad Institute Genome Sequencing Platform, Broad Institute Whole Genome Assembly Team, E.S. Lander, K. Lindblad-Toh. 2009. Genome sequence, comparative analysis, and population genetics of the domestic horse. Science 326. 865-867.
Wendelberger, K.S., J. Maschinski. 2009. Linking GIS, observational and experimental studies to determine optimal seedling microsites of an endangered plant in a subtropical urban fire-adapted ecosystem. Restoration Ecology 17. 845-853.
Wibisono, H.T., J.J. Figel, S.M. Arif, A. Ario, A.H. Lubis. 2009. Assessing the Sumatran tiger Panthera tigris sumatrae population in Batang Gadis National Park, a new protected area in Indonesia. Oryx 43 (4). 634-638.
Witte, C.L., L.L. Hungerford, B.A. Rideout. 2009. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection among offspring and their dams in nondomestic ruminant species housed in a zoo . Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 21. 40-47.
Yamashita, N., C.L. Tan, C.J. Vinyard, C. Williams. 2009. Semi-quantitative test of cyanide in foods and excreta of three Hapalemur species in Madagascar. American Journal of Primatology 72. 56-61.
Yamashita, N., C.J. Vinyard, C.L. Tan. 2009. Food mechanical properties in three sympatric species of Hapalemur in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 139. 368-381.
Yamashita, N., C.L. Tan, C.J. Vinyard, C. Williams. 2009. Semi-quantitative test of cyanide in foods and excreta of three Hapalemur species in Madagascar. American Journal of Primatology 72. 56-61.
Yamashita, N., C.J. Vinyard, C.L. Tan. 2009. Food mechanical properties in three sympatric species of Hapalemur in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 139. 368-381.
Abwe, E.E., B.J. Morgan. 2008. The Ebo forest: four years of preliminary research and conservation of the Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes vellerosus.). Pan African News 15. 26-29.
Alberts, A.C., D. Beetem, S. Citino, J.M. Lemm, W. Lynch, J.D. Opdycke. 2008. Desert Tortoise Conservation Center: C2S2 Site Visit Recommendations. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 18 pp.
Arnold, T.W., A.M. Pagano, J.H. Devries, R.B. Emery, D.W. Howerter, B.L. Joynt. 2008. Social indices of breeding productivity in parkland mallards. Journal of Wildlife Management 72. 224-230.
Bartholomew, J.L., S.D. Atkinson, S.L. Hallett, L.J. Lowenstine, M.M. Garner, C.H. Gardiner, B.A. Rideout, M.K. Keel, J.D. Brown. 2008. Myxozoan parasitism in waterfowl . International Journal for Parasitology 38. 1199-1207.
Bowles, A.E., M.A. Owen, S.L. Denes, S.K. Graves, J.L. Keating. 2008. Preliminary results of a behavioral audiometric study of the polar bear. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125. 3509.
Bowles, A.E., M.A. Owen, S.L. Denes, S.K. Graves, J.L. Keating. 2008. Preliminary results of a behavioral audiometric study of the polar bear. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123. 3509.
Brown, T.K., J.M. Lemm, J.P. Montagne, J.A. Tracey, A.C. Alberts. 2008. Spatial ecology, habitat use and survivorship of resident and translocated Red Diamond Ratlesnakes (Crotalus ruber). Pages 377-394 in Biology of the Rattlesnakes. Edited by W.K. Hayes, K.R. Beaman, M.D. Cardwell, and S.P. Bush. Loma Linda University Press, Loma Linda, California.
Capua, I., D.J. Alexander, B.A. Rideout, M. Vincent. 2008. The canging epidemiology of avian influenza . Pages 101-119 in Food Security in a Global Economy: Veterinary Medicine and Public Health . Edited by G. Smith, and A.M. Kelly. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia.
Charpentier, M.J.E., R.C. Van Horn, J. Altmann, S.C. Alberts. 2008. Paternal effects on offspring fitness in a multi-male primate society. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 105. 1988-1992.
Donovan, T.A., M. Schrenzel, T.A. Tucker, A.P. Pessier, I.H. Stalis. 2008. Hepatic hemorrhage, hemocoelom, and sudden death due to Haemoproteus infection in passerine birds: Eleven cases. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 20. 304-313.
Durrant, B.S. 2008. The importance and potential of artificial insemination in CANDES (companion Animals, non-domestic, endangered species). Theriogenology 71. 113-121.
Eisen, R.J., J.N. Borchert, J.L. Holmes, G. Amatre, K. Van Wyk, R.E. Enscore, N. Babi, L. Atiku, A.P. Wilder, S.M. Vetter, S.W. Bearden, J.A. Montenieri, K.L. Gage. 2008. Early-phase transmission of Yersinia pestis by cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) and their potential role as vectors in a plague endemic region of Uganda. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygeine 78. 949-956.
Heath, S.R., E.L. Kershner, D.M. Cooper, S. Lynn, J.M. Turner, N. Warnock, S.M. Farabaugh, K. Brock, D.K. Garcelon. 2008. Rodent control and food supplementation increase productivity of endangered San Clemente Loggerhead Shrikes (Lanius ludovicianus mearnsi). Conservation Biology 141. 2506-2515.
Heath, S.R., E.L. Kershner, D.M. Cooper, S. Lynn, J.M. Turner, N. Warnock, S.M. Farabaugh, K. Brock, D.K. Garcelon. 2008. Rodent control and food supplementation increase productivity of endangered San Clemente Loggerhead Shrikes (Lanius ludovicianus mearnsi.). Conservation Biology 141. 2506-2515.
Jensen, T., B. Durrant. 2008. Detection of testicular germ stem cells using ema-1 and ssea-1 antibodies in non-domestic avian species. Biology of Reproduction 77. 154-155.
Jensen, T., K.J. Nutt, B.S. Seal, L.B. Fernandes, B. Durrant. 2008. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the North Island brown kiwi, Apteryx mantelli. Molecular Ecology Resources 8. 399-401.
Johnson, A.J., A.P. Pessier, J.F. Wellehan, A. Childress, T.M. Norton, N.L. Stedman, D.C. Bloom, W. Belzer, V.R. Titus, R. Wagner, J.W. Brooks, J. Spratt, E.R. Jacobson. 2008. Ranavirus infection of free-ranging and captive box turtles and tortoises in the United States. Juornal of Wildlife Diseases 44. 851-863.
Lane, C., S.J. Wright, J. Roncal, J. Maschinski. 2008. Characterizing environmental gradients and their influence on vegetation zonation in a subtropical coastal sand dune system. Journal of Coastal 24. 213-224.
Lau, A.N., L. Peng, H. Goto, L.G. Chemnick, O.A. Ryder, K.D. Makova. 2008. Horse domestication and conservation genetics of Przewalski’s horse inferred from sex chromosomal and autosomal sequences. Molecular Biology and Evolution 26. 199-208.
Linklater, W.L., R.R. Swaisgood. 2008. Reserve size, conspecific density, and translocation success for black rhinoceros. . Journal of Wildlife Management 72. 1059-1068.
Lovich, R., M.J. Ryan, A.P. Pessier. 2008. Infection with the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in a non-native Lithobates berlandieri below sea level in the Coachella valley, California, USA. . Herpetological Review 39. 315-317.
Morgan, B.J. 2008. The gorillas of the Ebo forest. Gorilla Journal 36. 14-16.
Nascimento, J.M., L.Z. Shi, J. Tam, C. Chandsawangbhuwana, B. Durrant, E.L. Botvinick, M.W. Berns. 2008. Comparison of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation as energy sources for mammalian sperm motility, using the combination of fluorescence imaging, laser tweezers, and real-time automated tracking and trapping. Journal of Cellular Physiology 217. 745-751.
Nascimento, J.M., L.Z. Shi, C. Chandsawangbhuwana, J. Tam, B. Durrant, E.L. Botvinick, M.W. Berns. 2008. Use of laser tweezers to analyze sperm motility and mitochondrial membrane potential. Journal of Biomedical Optics 13. 10.1117/1.2839051.
Owen, M.A., R.R. Swaisgood. 2008. On thin ice: Climate change and the future of Polar Bears. Biodiversity 9. 123-129.
Owen, M.A., R.R. Swaisgood. 2008. On thin ice: Climate change and the future of Polar Bears. Biodiversity 9. 123-129.
Pessier, A.P. 2008. Management of disease as a threat to amphibian conservation. . International Zoo Yearbook 42. 30-39.
Pessier, A.P. 2008. Amphibian chytridiomycosis. Pages 137-143 in Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, 6th edition. Edited by M.E. Fowler, and R.E. Miller. Saunders Elsevier, St. Louis, Missouri/United States of America.
Possley, J., S. Woodmansee, J. Maschinski. 2008. Patterns of plant diversity in fragments of globally imperiled pine rockland forest: effects of recent fire frequency and fragment size. Natural Areas Journal 28. 379-394.
Sartain, A.R., A.C. Alberts. 2008. Habitat fragmentation and scrub-specialist birds: San Diego fragments revisited. Western Birds 39. 82-93.
Schrenzel, M., M. Nicolas, C. Witte, R. Papendick, T. Tucker, L. Keener, M. Sutherland-Smith, N. Lamberski, D. Orndorff, D. Heckard, P. Witman, M. Mace, D. Rimlinger, S. Reed, B. Rideout. 2008. Molecular epidemiology of Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare in captive birds . Veterinary Microbiology 126. 122–131.
Sheppard, J.K., A.B. Carter, L.J. McKenzie, R.G. Coles. 2008. Spatial patterns of sub-tidal seagrasses and their tissue nutrients in the Torres Strait, northern Australia: Implications for management. . Continental Shelf Research 28. 2282-2291.
Stacy, B.A., L. Howard, J. Kinkaid, J.D. Vidal, R. Papendick. 2008. Yolk coelomitis in Fiji Island banded iquanas (Brachylophus fasciatus). . Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 39. 161-169.
Takahashi, M., J.R. Tobey, C.H. Andrus. 2008. Behavior of female koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus adustus) in a new exhibit at San Diego Zoo. Animal Keepers' Forum 35. 509-514.
Thornton, H.E.B., J. Roncal, C.E. Lewis, J. Maschinski, J. Francisco-Ortega. 2008. Genetic structure and diversity of Jacquemontia reclinata, an endangered coastal morning glory species from Southern Florida: Implications for conservation management. Biotropica 40. 507-514.
Tobler, M.W., S.E. Carrillo-Percastegui, R. Leite Pitman, R. Mares, G. Powell. 2008. Further notes on the analysis of mammal inventory data collected with camera traps. Animal Conservation 11. 187-189.
Trifonov, V.A., R. Stanyon, A.I. Nesterenko, B. Fu, P.L. Perelman, P.C.M. O'Brien, G. Stone, N.V. Rubtsova, M.L. Houck, T.J. Robinson, M.A. Ferguson-Smith, G. Dobigny, A.S. Graphodatsky, F. Yang. 2008. Multidirectional cross-species painting illuminates the history of karyotypic evolution in Perissodactyla. Chromosome Research 16. 89-107.
Tubbs, C., P. Thomas. 2008. Functional characteristics of membrane progestin receptor alpha (mPRα) subtypes: A review with new data showing mPRα expression in seatrout sperm and its association with sperm motility. Steroids 73. 935-941.
Van Horn, R.C., H.E. Watts, K.E. Holekamp. 2008. Do female hyaenas choose mates based on tenure. Nature 454 number 7201.
Van Horn, R.C., J. Altmann, S.C. Alberts. 2008. Can’t get there from here: inferring kinship from pairwise genetic relatedness. Animal Behaviour 75. 1173-1180.
Vinyard, C.J., N. Yamashita, C.L. Tan. 2008. Linking laboratory and field approaches in studying the evolutionary physiology of biting in bamboo lemurs. International Journal of Primatology 29. 1421-1439.
Vinyard, C.J., N. Yamashita, C.L. Tan. 2008. Linking laboratory and field approaches in studying the evolutionary physiology of biting in bamboo lemurs. International Journal of Primatology 29. 1421-1439.
Wendelberger, K.S., M. Q.N. Fellows, J. Maschinski. 2008. Rescue and restoration: Experimental translocation of Amorpha herbacea Walter. var. crenulata (Rybd.) Isley into a novel urban habitat. Restoration Ecology 16. 543-552.
Wilder, A.P., R.J. Eisen, S.W. Bearden, J.A. Montenieri, D.W. Tripp, R.J. Brinkerhoff, K.L. Gage, M.F. Antolin. 2008. Transmission efficiency of two flea species (Oropsylla tuberculata cynomuris and Oropsylla hirsuta) involved in plague epizootics among prairie dogs. Ecohealth 5. 205-212.
Wilder, A.P., R.J. Eisen, S.W. Bearden, J.A. Montenieri, K.L. Gage, M.F. Antolin. 2008. Oropsylla hirsuta (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae) can support plague epizootics in black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) by early-phase transmission of Yersinia pestis. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases! 8. 359-368.
Williams, C.V., R.E. Junge, I.H. Stalis. 2008. Evaluation of iron status in lemurs by analysis of serum iron and ferritin concentrations, total iron-binding capacity, and transferrin saturation. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 232. 578-585.
Witte, C.L., M.J. Sredl, A.S. Kane, L.L. Hungerford. 2008. Epidemiologic analysis of factors associated with local disappearances of native ranid frogs in Arizona. Conservation Biology 22. 375-383.
Witte, C.L., L.L. Hungerford, R. Papendick, I.H. Stalis, B.A. Rideout. 2008. Investigation of characteristics and factors associated with avian mycobacteriosis in zoo birds . Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 20. 186–196.
Wright, P.C., S.E. Johnson, M.T. Irwin, R. Jacobs, P. Schlichting, S. Lehman, E.E. Louis Jr., S.J. Arrigo-Nelson, J.-L. Raharison, R.R. Rafalirarison, V. Razafindratsita, J. Ratsimbazafy, F.J. Ratelolahy, R. Dolch, C.L. Tan. 2008. The crisis of the critically endangered greater bamboo lemur (Prolemur simus) . Primate Conservation 23. 1-13.
Wright, P.C., S.E. Johnson, M.T. Irwin, R. Jacobs, P. Schlichting, S. Lehman, E.E. Louis Jr., S.J. Arrigo-Nelson, J-L. Raharison, R.R. Rafalirarison, V. Razafindratsita, J. Ratsimbazafy, F.J. Ratelolahy, R. Dolch, C. Tan. 2008. The crisis of the critically endangered greater bamboo lemur (Prolemur simus.). Primate Conservation 23. 5-17.
Yu, L., J. Liu, P.-tao. Luan, H. Lee, M. Lee, M-S. Min, O.A. Ryder, L.G. Chemnick, H. Davis, Y.-P. Zhang. 2008. New insights into the evolution of intronic sequences of the beta-fibrinogen gene and their application in reconstructing mustelid phylogeny. Zoological Science 25. 662-672.
Zhao, Q., C.L. Tan, W. Pan. 2008. Weaning age, infant care, and behavioral development in Trachypithecus leucocephalus . International Journal of Primatology 29. 583-591.
Zhao, Q., C.L. Tan, W. Pan. 2008. Weaning age, infant care, and behavioral development in Trachypithecus leucocephalus. International Journal of Primatology 29. 583-591.
Alberts, A.C. 2007. Behavioral considerations of headstarting as a conservation strategy for endangered Caribbean rock iguanas. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 102. 380-391.
Anderson, M.J., S.J. Chapman, E.N. Videan, E. Evans, J. Fritz, T.S. Stoinski, A.F. Dixson, P. Gagneux. 2007. Functional evidence for differences in sperm competition in humans and chimpanzees. Journal of Physical Anthropology 134. 274-280.
Baena, A., A.R. Mootnick, J.V. Falvo, A.V. Tsytsykova, F. Ligeiro, O.M. Diop, C. Brieva, P. Gagneux, S.J. O’Brien, O.A. Ryder, A.E. Goldfeld. 2007. Primate TNF promoters reveal markers of phylogeny and evolution of innate immunity. . PLOS ONE 2. e621.
Bukowinski, A.T., F.B. Bercovitch, A.C. Alberts, M.P. Wallace, S. Ancona. 2007. A quantitative assessment of the California condor mentoring program. Pages 197-212 in California Condors in the 21st Century. Edited by A. Mee, and L.S. Hall. Nuttall Ornithological Club, Cambridge, Massachusetts/United States of America.
Clark, M., M.P. Wallace, C. David. 2007. Rearing California condors for release using a modified puppet-rearing technique. . Pages 213-226 in California Condors in the 21st Century. Edited by A. Mee, and L.S. Hall. Nuttall Ornithological Club, Cambridge, Massachusetts/United States of America.
Dixson, B.J., A.F. Dixson, B. Li, M.J. Anderson. 2007. Studies of human physique and sexual attractiveness: Sexual preferences of men and women in China. American Journal of Human Biology 19. 88-95.
Eisen, R.J., A.P. Wilder, S.W. Bearden, J.A. Montenieri, K.L. Gage. 2007. Early-phase transmission of the plague agent, Yersinia pestis, by unblocked oriental rat fleas, Xenopsylla cheopis, is as efficient as transmission by blocked fleas. Journal of Medical Entomology 44. 678-682.
Faller-Menéndez, J.C., L. Lago-Torres, A. Hernández-Cardona, M. Calleja-Alvarado, M. Ceballos, C. Chávez, S. Johnson. 2007. La Video-Filmación Como Técnica de Estudio de Mamíferos Silvestres: Un Ejemplo de Jaguares en el Noreste de la Península de Yucatán. Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología 11. 47-56.
Hamilton, S.K., J. Kellndorfer, B. Lehner, M. Tobler. 2007. Remote sensing of floodplain geomorphology as a surrogate for biodiversity in a tropical river system (Madre de Dios, Peru). Geomorphology 89. 23-38.
Harlow, P.S., R. Hudson, A.C. Alberts. 2007. Fijian Crested Iguana Brachylphus vitiensis Species Recovery Plan 2007-2012. IUCN SSC Iguana Specialist Group, 26 pp.
Johnson, A.J., A.P. Pessier, E.R. Jacobson. 2007. Experimental transmission and induction of ranaviral disease in western ornate box turtles (Terrapene ornata ornata) and red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans). . Veterinary Pathology 44. 285-297.
Linklater, W.L., R.R. Swaisgood. 2007. Behavioural modification in meta-population management of black rhino, southern Africa. . Re-introduction News 26. 41-43.
Longcore, J.R., J.E. Longcore, A.P. Pessier, W.A. Halteman. 2007. Chytridiomycosis widespread in anurans of northeastern United States. . Journal of Wildlife Management 71. 435-444.
MacDonald, E.A., N.M. Czekala, G.P. Gerber, A.C. Alberts. 2007. Diurnal and seasonal patterns in corticosterone in the Turks and Caicos iguana (Cyclura carinata carinata). Caribbean Journal of Science 43. 266-272.
Maschinski, J., J. Duquesnel. 2007. Successful reintroductions of the endangered long-lived Sargent’s cherry palm, Pseudophoenix sargentii, in the Florida Keys. Biological Conservation 134. 122-129.
Mee, A., B.A. Rideout, J.A. Hamber, J.N. Todd, G. Austin, M. Clark, M.P. Wallace. 2007. Junk ingestion and nestling mortality in a reintroduced population of California condors Gymnogyps californianus. Bird Conservation International 17. 1-13.
Morgan, B.J., P.C. Lee. 2007. Forest elephant group composition, frugivory and coastal habitat use in the Reserve de Faune du Petit Loango, Gabon. African Journal of Ecology 45. 519-526.
Morgan, B.J. 2007. Sacoglottis gabonensis. – a keystone fruit for forest elephants in the Réserve de Faune du Petit Loango, Gabon. African Journal of Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2028.2007.00897.x.
Morgan, B.J. 2007. Forest elephant group composition, frugivory and coastal use in the Réserve de Faune du Petit Loango, Gabon. African Journal of Ecology 45. 519-526.
Morgan, B.J. 2007. Group size, density and biomass of mammals in the Réserve de Faune du Petit Loango, Gabon. African Journal of Ecology 45. 508-518.
Morgan, B.J. 2007. Unusually low incidence of debarking by forest elephants in the Réserve de Faune du Petit Loango, Gabon. African Journal of Ecology 45. 664-666.
Morgan, B.J. 2007. The forest elephant: a cryptic cousin of the African savannah elephant. Biodiversity 8. 25-31.
Pan, D., J.-H. Chen, C. Groves, Y.-X. Wang, E. Narushima, H. Fitch-Snyder, P. Crow, X. Jinggong, V.N. Thanh, O.A. Ryder, L.G. Chemnick, H.-W. Zhang, Y.-X. Fu, Y.-P. Zhang. 2007. Mitochondrial control region and population genetic patterns of Nycticebus bengalensis and N. pygmaeus. International Journal of Primatology 28. 791-799.
Pessier, A.P. 2007. Cytologic diagnosis of disease in amphibians. Veterinary Clinics of North America Exotic Animal Practice 10. 187-206.
Romanov, M.N., E.M. Tuttle, M.L. Houck, W.S. Modi, L.G. Chemnick, M.L. Korody, E.M.S. Mork, C.A. Otten, T. Renner, K.C. Jones, S. Dandekar, J.C. Papp, Y. Da, E.D. Green, V. Magrini, M.T. Hickenbotham, J. Glasscock, S. McGrath, E.R. Mardis, O.A. Ryder. 2009. The value of avian genomics to the conservation of wildlife. BMC Genomics. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-10-S2-S10.
Ryder, O.A., C.C. Steiner. 2009. How much hybridization and in what direction? Animal Conservation 12. 516-517.
Ryder, O.A. 2009. Forests of the night: Refugia of genetic diversity in wild tigers. PLoS Genetics 5. e1000603.
Smith, R.J., D. Veríssimo, N. Leader-Williams, A.T. Knight, R.M. Crowling. 2009. Let the locals lead. Nature 462. 280-281.
Spady, T.J., H.J. Harlow, G. Butterstein, B. Durrant. 2009. Leptin as a surrogate indicator of body fat in the American black bear. Ursus 20. 120-130.
Steiner, C.C., H. Rompler, L.M. Boettger, T. Schoneberg, H.E. Hoekstra. 2009. The genetic basis of phenotypic convergence in beach mice: Similar pigment patterns but different genes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 26. 35-45.
Swaisgood, R.R. 2009. Zoos dream of becoming conservation NGOs. . Conservation Biology 23. 1338-1340.
Takahashi, M., J.R. Tobey, C.B. Pisacane, C.H. Andrus. 2009. Evaluating the utility of an accelerometer and urinary hormone analysis as indicators of estrus in a zoo-housed koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). Zoo Biology 28. 59-68.
Thomas, P., C. Tubbs, V.F. Garry. 2009. Progestin functions in vertebrate gametes mediated by membrane progestin receptors (mPRs): Identification of mPRα on human sperm and its association with sperm motility. Steroids 74. 614-621.
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