Publications by date, newest to oldest
Durrant, B. 2005. Natural history and conservation of the giant panda. Journal of Reproduction and Development
51. X-XII.
Ferrell, S.T., A.B. Marler, A.C. Alberts, L.A. Young, K.A. Bradley, S.L. Hurlburt, N.P. Lung. 2005. Surgical technique for permanent intracoelomic radiotransmitter placement in Angeada iguanas (Cyclura pinguis). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36. 712-715.
Helenurm, K., S. Hall. 2005. Dissimilar patterns of genetic variation in two insular endemic plants sharing species characteristics, distribution, habitat and ecological history . Conservation Genetics 6. 341-353.
Helenurm, K., S. Hall. 2005. Dissimilar patterns of genetic variation in two insular endemic plants sharing species characteristics, distribution, habitat and ecological history. Conservation Genetics 6. 341-353.
Hermes, R., T.B. Hildebrandt, C. Walzer, F. Goritz, M.L. Patton, S. Silinski, M.J. Anderson, C.E. Reid, G. Wibbelt, K. Tomasova, F. Schwarzenberger. 2005. The effect of long non-reproductive periods on the genital health in captive female white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum simum, C.s. cottoni). Theriogenology 65. 1492-1515.
Howard, L.L., L.M. Turner, I.H. Stalis, P.J. Morris. 2005. Serum gamma-glutamyltransferase as a prognostic indicator of neonatal viability in nondomestic ruminants. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36. 239-244.
Johnson, R.J., S. Titte, J.R. Cade, B.A. Rideout, W.J. Oliver. 2005. Uric acid, evolution and primitive cultures . Seminars in Nephrology 25. 3-8.
Johnson, A.J., A.P. Pessier, J.F. Wellehan, R. Brown, E.R. Jacobson. 2005. Identification of a novel herpesvirus from a California desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). . Veterinary Microbiology 111. 107-116.
Lemberger, K.Y., L.F.P. Gondim, A.P. Pessier, M.M. McAllister, M.J. Kinsel. 2005. Neospora caninum infection in a free-living raccoon (Procyon lotor) with concurrent canine distemper virus infection. . Journal of Parasitology 91. 960-961.
Lemberger, K.Y., A. Manharth, A.P. Pessier. 2005. Multicentric benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors in two related bearded dragons Pogona vitticeps. . Veterinary Pathology 42. 507-510.
Li, Y.-H., B.-G. Li, C.L. Tan. 2005. Behavioral development of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in the Qinling Mountains. Acta Zoologica Sinica 51. 953-960.
Li, Y.-C., Y.-M. Cheng, L.-J. Hsieh, O.A. Ryder, F. Yang, S.-J. Liao, K.-M. Hsiao, F.-J. Tsai, C.-H. Tsai, C.C. Lin. 2005. Karyotypic evolution of a novel cervid satellite DNA family isolated by microdissection from the Indian muntjac Y-chromosome. Chromosoma 114. 28.38.
Li, Y.H., B.G. Li, C.L. Tan. 2005. Behavioral development of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in the Qinling Mountains. Acta Zoologica Sinica 51. 953-960.
Manarth, A., K. Lemberger, N. Mylniczenko, M. Pinkerton, A.P. Pessier, P. Kammeyer, S. de Hoog. 2005. Disseminated phaeohyphomycosis due to an Exophiala species in a Galapagos tortoise, Geochelone nigra. . Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 15. 20-26.
Maschinski, J., J. Possley, M. Q.N. Fellows, C. Lane, A. Muir, K. Wendelberger, S. Wright, H. Thornton. 2005. Using Thinning as a Fire Surrogate to Improve Native Plant Diversity in a South Florida Pine Rockland Habitat. Ecological Restoration 23. 2.
Meteyer, C.U., B.A. Rideout, M. Gilbert, H.L. Shivaprasad, J.L. Oaks. 2005. Pathology and proposed pathophysiology of diclofenac poisoning in free-living and experimentally exposed oriental white-backed vultures (Gyps bengalensis) . Journal of Wildlife Diseases 41. 707–716.
Munkwitz, N.M., J.M. Turner, E.L. Kershner, S.M. Farabaugh. 2005. Predicting release success of captive-reared loggerhead shrikes (Lanius ludovicianus) using pre-release behavior. Zoo Biology 24. 447-458.
Munkwitz, N.M., J.M. Turner, E.L. Kershner, S.M. Farabaugh, S. Heath. 2005. Predicting release success of captive-reared loggerhead shrikes (Lanius ludovicianus.) using pre-release behavior. Zoo Biology 24. 447-458.
Nicolas, M.M., I.H. Stalis, T.L. Clippinger, M. Busch, R. Nordhausen, G. Maalouf, M.D. Schrenzel. 2005. Systemic disease in Vaal rhebok (Pelea capreolus) caused by mycoplasmas in the mycoides cluster. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 43. 1330-1340.
Oaks, J.L., M. Schrenzel, B. Rideout, C. Sandfort. 2005. Isolation and epidemiology of falcon adenovirus . Journal of Clinical Microbiology 43. 3414-3420.
Ostermann-Kelm, S.D., E.S. Rubin, J.D. Groom, J.R. DeForge, G. Wagner, P. Sorensen, S.G. Torres, M.C. Jorgensen, A.J. Byard, O.A. Ryder. 2005. Head to head. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33. 1456-1464.
Owen, M.A., R.R. Swaisgood, N.M. Czekala, D.G. Lindburg. 2005. Enclosure choice and well being in giant pandas: Is it all about control? . Zoo Biology 24. 475-481.
Owen, M.A., N.M. Czekala, R.R. Swaisgood, K. Steinman, D.L. Lindburg. 2005. Seasonal and diurnal dynamics of glucocorticoids and behavior in giant pandas. Ursus 16. 208-221.
Owen, M.A., R.R. Swaisgood, N.M. Czekala, D.G. Lindburg. 2005. Enclosure choice and well being in giant pandas: Is it all about control? Zoo Biology 24. 475-481.
Owen, M.A., N.M. Czekala, R.R. Swaisgood, K. Steinman, D.L. Lindburg. 2005. Seasonal and diurnal dynamics of glucocorticoids and behavior in giant pandas. Ursus 16. 208-221.
Ray, D.A., J. Xing, D.J. Hedges, M.A. Hall, M.E. Laborde, B.A. Anders, B.R. White, N. Stoilova, J.D. Fowlkes, K.E. Landry, L.G. Chemnick, O.A. Ryder, M.A. Batzer. 2005. Alu insertion loci and platyrrhine primate phylogeny. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 35. 117-126.
Reeder, A.L., M.O. Ruiz, A.P. Pessier, L.E. Brown, J.M. Levengood, C.A. Phillips, M.B. Wheeler, R.E. Warner, V.R. Beasley. 2005. Intersexuality and the cricket frog decline: historic and geographic trends. . Environmental Health Perspectives 113. 261-265.
Rogers, J., M. Bergstrom, R. Garcia IV, J. Kaplan, A. Arya, L. Novakowski, Z. Johnson, A. Vinson, W. Shelledy. 2005. A panel of 20 highly variable microsatellite polymorphisms in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) selected for pedigree or population genetic analysis. American Journal of Primatology. DOI: 10.1002/ajp.20192.
Ryder, O.A. 2005. Conservation genomics: applying whole genome studies to species conservation efforts. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 108. 6-15.
Schrenzel, M., J.L. Oaks, D. Rotstein, G. Maalouf, E. Snook, C. Sandfort, B. Rideout. 2005. Characterization of a new species of adenovirus in falcons . Journal of Clinical Microbiology 43. 3402-3413.
Schrenzel, M.D., G.A. Maalouf, P.M. Gaffney, D. Tokarz, L.L. Keener, D. McClure, S. Griffey, B.A. Rideout. 2005. Molecular characterization of isosporoid coccidia (Isospora and Atoxoplasma spp.) in passerine birds . Journal of Parasitology 91. 635–647.
Schrenzel, M.D., G.A. Maalouf, P.M. Gaffney. 2005. Molecular characterization of isosporoid coccidia (Isospora and Atoxoplasma spp.) in passerine birds. Journal of Parasitology 91(3). 635-47.
Swaisgood, R.R., D.J. Shepherdson. 2005. Scientific approaches to enrichment and stereotypies in zoo animals: what's been done and where should we go next? . Zoo Biology 24. 499-518.
Swaisgood, R.R., A.M. White, X. Zhou, G. Zhang, D.G. Lindburg. 2005. How do giant pandas respond to varying properties of enrichments? A comparison of behavioral profiles among five enrichment items. . Journal of Comparitive Psychology 119. 325-334.
Thomas, P., C. Tubbs, C. Detweiler, S. Das, L. Ford, D. Breckenridge-Miller. 2005. Binding characteristics, hormonal regulation and identity of the sperm membrane progestin receptor in Atlantic croaker. Steroids 70. 427-433.
Vilchis, L.I., M.J. Tegner, J.D. Moore, C.S. Friedman, K.L. Riser, T.T. Robbins, P.K. Dayton. 2005. Ocean warming effects on growth, reproduction, and survivorship of Southern California abalone. Ecological Applications 15. 469–480.
Vinson, J., E. Botvinick, B. Durrant, M. Berns. 2005. Correlation of sperms’ swimming force to their swimming speed assessed by optical tweezers. . Pages 26-36 in Proceedings of SPIE Volume 5930: Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation II . Edited by K. Dholakia, and G.C. Spalding. International society for optics and photonics, San Diego, California / United States.
Wallace, M.P., A.C. Alberts. 2005. Reintroduction of the California condor to Baja California, Mexico. Re-introduction News 24. 27-28.
Xing, J., H. Wang, K. Han, D.A. Ray, C.H. Huang, L.G. Chemnick, C-B. Stewart, T.R. Disotell, O.A. Ryder, M.A. Batzer. 2005. A mobile element based phylogeny of Old World monkeys. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37. 872-880.
Zhou, X., Y. Tan, S. Song, P. Wang, H. Zhang, R.R. Swaisgood. 2005. Comparative study on the behavior and ecology between captivity and semi-nature enclosure for giant pandas. Sichuan Journal of Zoology 24. 143-146.
Alberts, A.C., J.M. Lemm, T.D. Grant, L.A. Jackintell. 2004. Testing the utility of headstarting as a viable conservation strategy for West Indian rock iguanas. Pages 210-219 in Iguanas: Biology and Conservation. Edited by A.C. Alberts, R.L. Carter, W.K. Hayes, and E.P. Martins. University of California Press, Berkeley, California/United States of America.
Alberts, A.C., J.M. Lemm, T.D. Grant, L.A. Jackintell. 2004. Testing the utility of headstarting as a conservation strategy for West Indian Igaunas . Pages 210-219 in Iguanas: Biology and Conservation. Edited by A.C. Alberts, R.L. Carter, W.K. Hayes, and E.P. Martins. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
Alberts, A.C. 2004. Conservation strategies for West Indian rock iguanas: Current efforts and future directions. Iguana 11. 212-223.
Alberts, A.C., R.L. Carter, W.K. Hayes, E.P. Martins. 2004. Iguanas: Biology and Conservation. University of California Press, Berkeley, California. 341 pp.
Alberts, A.C., J.A. Phillips. 2004. Experimental strategies for the recovery of depleted populations of West Indian rock iguanas. Pages 83-100 in Experimental Approaches to Conservation Biology. Edited by G.M. Malcolm, and S.M. Bartol. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
Alberts, A.C. 2004. Part III: Conservation. Pages 195-198 in Iguanas: Biology and Conservation. Edited by A.C. Alberts, R.L. Carter, W.K. Hayes, and E.P. Martins. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
Alberts, A.C., T.K. Brown, T.D. Grant, J.M. Lemm, J.P. Montagne, L.G. Milroy III, L.A. Jackintell. 2004. Conservation of the San Diego coast horned lizard on the Southwestern Riverside Multi-Species Reserve. Final Project Report to the Metropolitan Water District for Agreement No. 1550.
Alberts, A.C., G.P. Gerber. 2004. Turks & Caicos iguana translocation program update. Re-introduction News 23. 7.
Anderson, M.J., J.K. Hessel, A.F. Dixson. 2004. Primate mating systems and the evolution of immune response. Journal of Reproductive Immunology 61. 31-38.
Benirschke, K., M.L. Houck, U. Streicher, T. Nadler. 2004. Cytogenetic aspects of langurs. Pages 37-40 in Conservation of Primates in Vietnam. Edited by T. Nadler, U. Streicher, and H. Thang Long. Frankfurt Zoological Society, Help for Threatened Wildlife, Vietnam Primate Conservation Programme, Ninh Bình, Vietnam.
Bigoni, F., M.L. Houck, O.A. Ryder, J. Wienberg, R. Stanyon. 2004. Chromosome painting shows that Pygathrix nemaeus has the most basal karyotype among Asian Colobinae. International Journal of Primatology 25. 679-688.
Carey, C., D.F. Bradford, J.L. Brunner, J.P. Collins, E.W. Davidson, J.E. Longcore, A.P. Pessier, D.M. Schock. 2004. Biotic factors in amphibian population declines. Pages 153-208 in Amphibian Decline: An Integrated Analysis of Multiple Stressor Effects. Edited by D.W. Linder, S.K. Krest, and D.W. Sparling. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Press, Pensacola, Florida/United States of America.
Dixson, A.F., M.J. Anderson. 2004. Sexual behavior, reproductive physiology and sperm competition in male mammals. Physiology and Behavior 83. 361-371.
Dixson, A.F., M.J. Anderson. 2004. Effects of sexual selection upon sperm morphology and sexual skin morphology in primates. International Journal of Primatology 25. 1159-1171.
Dixson, A.F., A. Pissinatti, M.J. Anderson. 2004. Observations on genital morphology and anatomy of a hybrid male muriqui (genus Brachyteles). Folia Primatologica 75. 61-69.
Dixson, A., J. Nyholt, M.J. Anderson. 2004. A positive relationship between baculum length and prolonged intromission patterns in mammals. Acta Zoologica Sinica 50. 490-503.
Durnin, M.E., R.R. Swaisgood, N. Czekala, H. Zhang. 2004. Effects of radiocollars on giant panda stress-related behavior and hormones. . Journal of Wildlife Management 68. 987-992.
Durrant, B. 2004. The biology and pathology of the oocyte: Its role in fertility and reproductive medicine. Journal of Heredity 95. 540.
Gerber, G.P., A.C. Alberts. 2004. Turks and Caicos iguana, Cyclura carinata carinata: 2003 project update. Iguana 11. 37.
Grant, T. 2004. Allison Alberts: a consummate conservationist. Iguana 10. 142-144.
Harrison, T.M., J.K. Mazet, K.E. Holekamp, A.L. Engh, K. Nelson, R.C. Van Horn, L. Munson. 2004. Antibodies to canine and feline viruses in spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) in the Masai Mara National Reserve. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40. 1-10.
Heinz-Taheny, K.M., J.J. Andrews, M.J. Kinsel, A.P. Pessier, M.E. Pinkerton, K.Y. Lemberger, R.J. Novak, G.J. Dizikes, E. Edwards, N. Komar. 2004. West Nile virus infection in free-ranging squirrels in Illinois. . Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 16. 186-190.
Hudson, R.D., A.C. Alberts. 2004. The role of zoos in the conservation of West Indian Iguanas. Pages 274-289 in Iguanas: Biology and Conservation. Edited by A.C. Alberts, R.L. Carter, W.K. Hayes, and E.P. Martins. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
Ibarguchi, G., G. J. Gissing, A. J. Gaston, P. T. Boag, V. L. Friesen. 2004. Male-biased mutation rates and the overestimation of extra-pair paternity: problem, solution, and illustration using Thick-billed Murres (Uria lomvia, Alcidae). Journal of Heredity 95(3). 209-216.
Johnson, R.J., B.A. Rideout. 2004. Uric acid and diet–insight into the epidemic of cardiovascular disease . The New England Journal of Medicine 350. 1071-1073.
Lau, J., E. Fernandez-Duque, S. Evans, A. Dixson, OlA. Ryder. 2004. Heterologous amplification and diversity of microsatellite loci in three owl monkey species (Aotus azarai, A. lemurinus, A. nancymaae). Conservation Genetics 5. 727-731.
Lemm, J.M., M.S. Edwards, T.D. Grant, A.C. Alberts. 2004. Growth and nutritional status of juvenile Komodo monitors (Varanus komodoensis) maintained on rodent and poultry-based diets. Zoo Biology 23. 239-252.
Lemm, J.M. 2004. Iguana restraint and handling. Iguana 11. 172-175.
Lemm, J.M., G.S. Bedford. 2004. Varanus spenceri. Pages 466-471 in Varanoid Lizards of the World. Edited by E.R. Pianka, and D.R. King. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana.
Lemm, J.M., M.S. Edwards, T.D. Grant, A.C. Alberts. 2004. Comparison of growth and nutritional status of juvenile Komodo Monitors (Varanus komodoensis) maintained on rodent or poultry-based diets. Zoo Biology 23. 239-252.
Lu, Y., J. Li, J. Han, H. Ng, C. Binder, C. Partridge, M. Meyyappan. 2004. Room temperature methane detection using palladium loaded single-walled carbon nanotube sensors. Chemical Physics Letters 391. 344-348.
Maschinski, J., J.E. Baggs, C.F. Sacchi. 2004. Seedling Recruitment and Survival of an Endangered Limestone Endemic in its Natural Habitat and Experimental Reintroduction Sites. American Journal of Botany 91. 689-698.
Mayor, M.I., J.A. Sommer, M.L. Houck, J.R. Zaonarivelo, P.C. Wright, C. Ingram, S.R. Engel, E.E. Louis Jr. 2004. Specific Status of Propithecus spp. International Journal of Primatology 25. 875-900.
Mee, A., G. Austin, M. Barth, C. Beestman, T. Smith, M. Wallace. 2004. Courtship behaviour in reintroduced California condors: evidence for extra-pair copulations and female mate guarding. Pages 75-82 in Raptors Worldwide: Proceedings of VI World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls. Edited by R.D. Chancellor, and B.U. Meyburg. World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls, Budapest, Hungary.
Munson, L., R. Wack, M. Duncan, R.J. Montali, D. Boon, I. Stalis, G.J. Crawshaw, K.N. Cameron, J. Mortenson, S. Citino, J. Zuba, R.E. Junge. 2004. Chronic eosinophilic dermatitis associated with persistent feline herpes virus infection in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). Veterinary Pathology 41. 170-176.
Oaks, J.L., M. Gilbert, M.Z. Virani, R.T. Watson, C.U. Meteyer, B.A. Rideout, H.L. Shivaprasad, S. Ahmed, M.J.I. Chaudhry, M. Arshad, S. Mahmood, A. Ali, A.A. Khan. 2004. Diclofenac residues as the cause of vulture population decline in Pakistan . Nature 427. 630-633.
Oaks, J.L., S.L. Donahoe, F.R. Rurangirwa, B.A. Rideout, M. Gilbert, M.Z. Virani, R.T. Watson. 2004. Identification of a novel Mycoplasma species from an Oriental white-backed vulture (Gyps bengalensis) . Journal of Clinical Microbiology 42. 5909–5912.
Owen, M.A., R.R. Swaisgood, N.M. Czekala, K. Steinman, D.L. Lindburg. 2004. Monitoring stress in captive giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca): Behavioral and hormonal responses to ambient noise. Zoo Biology 0. 147-164.
Owen, M.A., R.R. Swaisgood, N.M. Czekala, K. Steinman, D.L. Lindburg. 2004. Monitoring stress in captive giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca.): Behavioral and hormonal responses to ambient noise. Zoo Biology 23. 147-164.
Pessier, A.P., L. Munson, R.E. Miller. 2004. Oral, nasal and cutaneous eosinophilic granulomas in the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis): a lesion distinct from superficial necrolytic dermatitis. . Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 35. 1-7.
Qi, X.-G., B.-G. Li, C.L. Tan, Y.-F. Gao. 2004. Spatial structure in a golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) group . Acta Zoologica Sinica 50. 697-705.
Qi, X.G., B.G. Li, C.L. Tan, Y.F. Gao. 2004. Spatial structure in a golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana.) group. Acta Zoologica Sinica 50. 697-705.
Rovio, A.T., J. Abel, A.L. Ahola, A.M. Andres, J. Bertranpetit, A. Blancher, R.E. Bontrop, L.G. Chemnick, H.J. Cooke, J.M. Cummins, H.A. Davis, D.J. Elliott, E. Fritsche, T.B. Hargreave, S.M.G. Hoffman, A.M. Jequier, S.-H. Kao, H.-S. Kim, D.R. Marchington, D. Mehmet, N. Otting, J. Poulton, O.A. Ryder, H.-C. Schuppe, O. Takenaka, Y.-H. Wei, L. Wichmann, H.T. Jacobs. 2004. A prevalent POLG CAG microsatellite length allele in humans and African great apes. Mammalian Genome 15. 492-502.
Shier, D.M., J.A. Randall. 2004. Spacing as a Predictor of Social Organization in Kangaroo Rats (Dipodomys heermanni arenae). . Journal of Mammalogy 85. 1002-1008.
Sutherland-Smith, M., C. Harvey, M. Campbell, D. McAloose, B. Rideout, P.J. Morris. 2004. Transitional cell carcinomas in four fishing cats (Prionailurus viverrinus) . Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 35. 370-380.
Swaisgood, R.R., D. Lindburg, A.M. White, H. Zhang, X. Zhou. 2004. Chemical communication in giant pandas: experimentation and application. . Pages 106-120 in Giant pandas: biology and conservation. Edited by D. Lindburg, and K. Baragona. University of California Press, Berkeley, California/United States of America.
Swaisgood, R.R. 2004. Captive breeding. Pages 883-888 in Encyclopedia of animal behavior. Edited by M. Bekoff. Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut/United States of America.
Swaisgood, R.R. 2004. What can captive breeding do for conservation and what can behavior research do for captive breeding? . The Conservation Behaviorist 2. 3-5.
Tserenbataa, T., R.R. Ramey, O.A. Ryder, T.W. Quinn, R.P. Reading. 2004. A population genetic comparison of argali sheep (Ovis ammon) in Mongolia using the ND5 gene of mitochondrial DNA; Implications for conservation. Molecular Ecology 13. 1333-1339.
Van Horn, R.C., A.L. Engh, K.T. Scribner, S.M. Funk, K.E. Holekamp. 2004. Behavioural structuring of relatedness in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) suggests direct fitness benefits of clan-level cooperation. Molecular Ecology 13. 449-458.
Van Horn, R.C., S.A. Wahaj, K.E. Holekamp. 2004. Role-reversed nepotism among cubs and sires in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta). Ethology 110. 413-426.
Wahaj, S.A., R.C. Van Horn, T.L. Van Horn, R. Dyer, R. Hilgris, J. Schwarz, K.E. Holekamp. 2004. Kin discrimination in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta): Nepotism among siblings. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 56. 237-247.
Wang, H.-P., C.L. Tan, Y.-F. Gao, B.-G. Li. 2004. A takeover event of resident male in the Sichuan snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus roxellana in Qinling Mountains . Acta Zoologica Sinica 50. 859-862.
Wang, Y.W., Y.C. Ding, P. Flodman, J.R. Kidd, K.K. Kidd, D.L. Grady, O.A. Ryder, M.A. Spence, J.M. Swanson, R.K. Moyzis. 2004. The genetic architecture of selection at the human dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) gene locus. The American Journal of Human Genetics 74. 931-944.
Wellehan, J.F., A.J. Johnson, B. Harrach, M. Benkö, A.P. Pessier, C.M. Johnson, M.M. Garner, A. Childress, E.R. Jacobson. 2004. Detection and analysis of six lizard adenoviruses by consensus primer PCR provides further evidence of a reptilian origin for the atadenoviruses. . Journal of Virology 78. 13366-13369.
White, A.M., R.R. Swaisgood, H. Zhang. 2004. Urinary chemosignals in giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca): developmental and seasonal effects on signal discrimination. Journal of Zoology 264. 231-238.
Wilson, B.S., A.C. Alberts, K.S. Graham, R.D. Hudson, R. Kerr Bjorkland, D.S. Lewis, N.P. Lung, R. Nelson, N. Thompson, J.L. Kunna, P. Vogel. 2004. Survival and reproduction of repatriated Jamaican iguanas: Headstarting as a viable conservation strategy. Pages 220-231 in Iguanas: Biology and Conservation. Edited by A.C. Alberts, R.L. Carter, W.K. Hayes, and E.P. Martins. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
Yang, F., B. Fu, P.C.M. O’Brien, W. Nie, O.A. Ryder, M.A. Ferguson-Smith. 2004. Refined genome-wide comparative map of the domestic horse, donkey and human based on cross-species chromosome painting: insight into the occasional fertility of mules. . Chromosome Research 12. 65-76.
Yu, L., Q.-W. Li, O.A. Ryder, Y.-P. Zhang. 2004. Phylogenetic relationships within mammalian order Carnivora indicated by sequences of two nuclear DNA genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 33. 694-705.
Yu, N., M.I. Jensen-Seaman, L.G. Chemnick, O.A. Ryder, W.-H. Li. 2004. Nucleotide diversity in gorillas. Genetics 166. 1375-1383.
Ferrell, S.T., A.B. Marler, A.C. Alberts, L.A. Young, K.A. Bradley, S.L. Hurlburt, N.P. Lung. 2005. Surgical technique for permanent intracoelomic radiotransmitter placement in Angeada iguanas (Cyclura pinguis). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36. 712-715.
Helenurm, K., S. Hall. 2005. Dissimilar patterns of genetic variation in two insular endemic plants sharing species characteristics, distribution, habitat and ecological history . Conservation Genetics 6. 341-353.
Helenurm, K., S. Hall. 2005. Dissimilar patterns of genetic variation in two insular endemic plants sharing species characteristics, distribution, habitat and ecological history. Conservation Genetics 6. 341-353.
Hermes, R., T.B. Hildebrandt, C. Walzer, F. Goritz, M.L. Patton, S. Silinski, M.J. Anderson, C.E. Reid, G. Wibbelt, K. Tomasova, F. Schwarzenberger. 2005. The effect of long non-reproductive periods on the genital health in captive female white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum simum, C.s. cottoni). Theriogenology 65. 1492-1515.
Howard, L.L., L.M. Turner, I.H. Stalis, P.J. Morris. 2005. Serum gamma-glutamyltransferase as a prognostic indicator of neonatal viability in nondomestic ruminants. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36. 239-244.
Johnson, R.J., S. Titte, J.R. Cade, B.A. Rideout, W.J. Oliver. 2005. Uric acid, evolution and primitive cultures . Seminars in Nephrology 25. 3-8.
Johnson, A.J., A.P. Pessier, J.F. Wellehan, R. Brown, E.R. Jacobson. 2005. Identification of a novel herpesvirus from a California desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). . Veterinary Microbiology 111. 107-116.
Lemberger, K.Y., L.F.P. Gondim, A.P. Pessier, M.M. McAllister, M.J. Kinsel. 2005. Neospora caninum infection in a free-living raccoon (Procyon lotor) with concurrent canine distemper virus infection. . Journal of Parasitology 91. 960-961.
Lemberger, K.Y., A. Manharth, A.P. Pessier. 2005. Multicentric benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors in two related bearded dragons Pogona vitticeps. . Veterinary Pathology 42. 507-510.
Li, Y.-H., B.-G. Li, C.L. Tan. 2005. Behavioral development of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in the Qinling Mountains. Acta Zoologica Sinica 51. 953-960.
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