Publications by date, newest to oldest
Dixson, A.F., M.J. Anderson. 2001. Sexual selection and the comparative anatomy of reproduction in monkeys, apes, and human beings. Annual Review of Sex Research
12. 121-144.
Douglass, R.J., T. Wilson, W.J. Semmons, S.N. Zanto, C.W. Bond, R.C. Van Horn, J.N. Mills. 2001. Longitudinal studies of Sin Nombre virus in deer mouse-dominated ecosystems of Montana. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 65. 33-41.
Durrant, B.S., S.E. Millard, D.M. Zimmerman, D.G. Lindburg. 2001. Lifetime semen production in a cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus). Zoo Biology 20. 359-366.
Durrant, B.S., D.V. Amodeo, A. Cheng, D.M. Zimmerman. 2001. The effect of estrous cycle stage on preantral follicle morphology in the domestic dog. Biology of Reproduction 64. 145.
Grant, T.D., A.C. Alberts. 2001. Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillei (San Diego coast horned lizard). Predation and telemetry. Herpetological Review 32. 257.
Grant, T.D., A.C. Alberts. 2001. Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillei (San Diego coast horned lizard). Predation and telemetry. Herpetological Review 32. 257.
Houck, M.L., A.T. Kumamoto, D.S. Gallagher Jr., K. Benirschke. 2001. Comparative cytogenetics of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus). Cytogenetic and Genome Research 93. 249-252.
Howard, J.G., Z. Zhang, R. Hou, M. Zhang, J. Zhang, S. Huang, H. Zhang, Y. Huang, D. Li, B. Durrant, R. Spindler, D.E. Wildt. 2001. Reproductive status of male giant pandas. Journal of Andrology 64. 101.
Jacobson, E.R., F. Origgi, A.P. Pessier, E.W. Lamirande, I. Walker, B. Whitaker, I.H. Stalis, R. Nordhausen, J.W. Owens, D.K. Nichols, D. Heard, B. Homer. 2001. Paramyxovirus infection in caiman lizards (Draecena guianensis). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 13. 143-151.
Jensen, T., A.L. Johnson. 2001. Expression and function of brain derived neurotrophin factor and its receptor, trkB, in ovarian follicles from the domestic hen (Gallus gallus domesticus). Journal of Experimental Biology 204. 2087-2095.
Kumamoto, A.T., M.L. Houck. 2001. Cytogenetic identification of a hybrid owl monkey, Aotus nancymaae x Aotus lemurinus griseimembra. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 32. 130-133.
Lear, T.L., M.L. Houck, Y.W. Zhang, L.A. Debnar, M.R. Sutherland-Smith, L. Young, K.L. Jones, K. Benirschke. 2001. Trisomy 17 in a bonobo (Pan paniscus) and deletion of 3q in a lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla): comparison with human trisomy 18 and deletion 4q syndrome. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 95. 228-233.
Lemm, J.M. 2001. Die häufigsten Warane im Tierhandel- Arten und Grundlagen der Haltung . Draco 7. 20-29.
Lemm, J.M. 2001. A great deal to sing about: The wildlife of Eastern Queensland. Fauna 2. 6-21.
Lindburg, D.G., N.M. Czekela, R.R. Swaisgood. 2001. Hormonal and behavioral relationships during estrus in the giant panda. . Zoo Biology 20. 537-543.
Maschinski, J. 2001. Impacts of ungulate herbivores on a rare willow at the southern edge of its range. Biological Conservation 101(1). 119-130.
Maschinski, J., L. Holter. 2001. Southwestern Rare and Endangered Plant Conference: Proceedings of the Third Conference; 2000 September 25-28; Flagstaff, AZ. RMRS-P-23. Fort Collins,Co: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 250 pp.
Maschinski, J. 2001. Extinction Risk of Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus in Holy Ghost Canyon With and Without Management Intervention. Southwestern Rare and Endangered Plant Conference: Proceedings of the Third Conference. 2000 September 25-28; Flagstaff, AZ. RMRS-P-23, Fort Collins,Co: USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 250 pp,
Maschisnki, J. 2001. Timing and intensity of Herbivory on a rare understory species. Southwestern Rare and Endangered Plant Conference: Proceedings of the Third Conference. 2000 September 25-28; Flagstaff, AZ. RMRS-P-23, Fort Collins,Co: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 250pp.,
Murphy, W.J., E. Eizirik, W.E. Johnson, Y.-P. Zhang, O.A. Ryder, S.J. O’Brien. 2001. Molecular phylogenetics and the origins of placental mammals . Nature 409. 614-618.
Murphy, W.J., E. Eizirik, S.J. O’Brien, M. Scally, C.J. Douady, E. Teeling, O.A. Ryder, M.J. Stanhope, W.W. de Jong, M.S. Springer. 2001. Resolution of the early placental mammal radiation using Bayesian phylogenetics . Science 294. 2348-2351.
Nichols, D.K., E.W. Lamirande, A.P. Pessier, J.E. Longcore. 2001. Experimental transmission of cutaneous chytridiomycosis in dendrobatid frogs. Journal of Widlife Diseases 37. 1-11.
Olson, M.A., A.C. Anderson, D. Amodeo, B.S. Durrant. 2001. Resumption of meiosis in canine oocytes cultured with or without bovine serume albumin and gonadotropins. . Theriogenology 55. 489.
Olson, M.A., B.S. Durrant. 2001. Recovery and cryopreservation of germplasm in rare and endangered species. Program of the 15th annual meting of the Society for Conservation Biology 139-140.
Patton, M.L., A.M. White, R.R. Swaisgood, R.L. Sproul, G.A. Fetter, J. Kennedy, M. Edwards, V. Lance. 2001. Aggression control in a bachelor herd of fringe-eared oryx (Oryx gazella) with melengestrol acetate: behavioral and endocrine observations. . Zoo Biology 20. 375-388.
Pinkerton, M.E., J.T. Raymond, M.M. Garner, M.J. Kinsel, A.P. Pessier. 2001. Squamous cell carcinoma in twelve kowari (Dasyuroides byrnei). . Pages 324 in Annual Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians. Edited by C.K. Baer. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, Orlando, Florida/United States of America.
Rivers, S.A., P.L. Kammeyer, L. Zwick, M.J. Kinsel, A.P. Pessier. 2001. Disseminated mycosis caused by Exophiala-like fungi in captive cold water marine fish. . Pages 114-116 in Proceedings American Association of Zoo Veterinarians. Edited by M.M. Willette, and C.K. Baer. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, Orlando, Florida/United States of America.
Ryder, O.A. 2001. Primate Evolutionary Genetics. Journal of Heredity 92. 453.
Stauffer, R.L., A. Walker, O.A. Ryder, M. Lyons-Weiler, S.B. Hedges. 2001. Human and ape molecular clocks and constraints on paleontological hypotheses. Journal of Heredity 92. 469-474.
Stewart, E.C., S.A. Pasachnik, C.E. Montgomery, S.P. Hudson. 2001. Characterization of 22 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the black-‐chested spiny-‐tailed iguana (Ctenosuara melanosterna) and cross-amplification success in four other Ctenosaura species . Conservation Genetics Resources 4. 47-50.
Swaisgood, R.R., A.M. White, X. Zhou, H. Zhang, G. Zhang, R. Wei, V.J. Hare, E.M. Tepper, D.G. Lindburg. 2001. A quantitative assessment of the efficacy of an environmental enrichment programme for giant pandas. Animal Behaviour 61. 447-457.
Swaisgood, R.R., N.M. Czekala, M.L. Patton. 2001. Reproductive failure in southern white rhinoceros: testing hypotheses with behavioral and hormonal data from captivity and the field. . Pages 74-75 in Proceedings of the Second National Rhino Keepers' Workshop. Edited by L. Aubery, J. Kennedy, M. Gaffney, L. Patton, C. Slobig, and F. Mehrdadfar. Zoological Society of San Diego, San Diego, California/United States of America.
Szykman, M., A.L. Engh, R.C. Van Horn, S.M. Funk, K.T. Scribner, K.E. Holekamp. 2001. Association patterns among male and female spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) reflect mate choice. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 50. 231-238.
Tan, C.L., J.H. Drake. 2001. Evidence of tree gouging and exudate eating in pygmy slow lorises (Nycticebus pygmaeus) . Folia Primatologica 72. 37-39.
Tan, C.L., J.H. Drake. 2001. Evidence of tree gouging and exudate eating in pygmy slow lorises (Nycticebus pygmaeus.). Folia Primatologica 72. 37-39.
Tepper, E.M., V.J. Hare, R.R. Swaisgood, D.G. Lindburg, G.Q. Zhang, D.M. Ripsky, K. Hawk, G. Hilpman. 2001. Evaluating enrichment strategies with giant pandas at the San Diego Zoo. . Pages 226-239 in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Environmental Enrichment . Edited by V.J. Hare, K.E. Worley, and K. Myers. The Shape of Enrichment, Inc., San Diego, California/United States of America.
Wallace, M.P. 2001. Condors. Pages 89-93 in Encyclopedia of the World's Zoos. Edited by C. Bell. Routledge, Ann Arbour, Michigan/United States of America.
Wright, K., L. Berger, D.K. Nichols, R. Speare, M.J. Sredl, A.P. Pessier, B. Johnson. 2001. Amphibian population decline, Roundtable discussion. . Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 11. 14-27.
Zhang, Y.-W., O.A. Ryder, Y.-P. Zhang. 2001. Genetic divergence of orangutan subspecies (Pongo pygmaeus) . Journal of Molecular Evolution 52. 516-526.
Zhang, Y.-W., P.A. Morin, O.A. Ryder, Y.-P. Zhang. 2001. A set of human tri- and tetra-nucleotide microsatellite loci useful for population analyses in gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) . Conservation Genetics 2. 391-395.
Alberts, A.C. 2000. West Indian Iguanas: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. IUCN - The World Conservation Union, Gland, Switzerland. 117 pp.
Anderson, M.J. 2000. Penile morphology and classification of Bush Babies (Subfamily Galagoninae). International Journal of Primatology 21. 815-836.
Chemnick, L.G., A.T. Kumamoto, O.A. Ryder. 2000. Genetic analyses in support of conservation efforts for the California condor. International Zoo Yearbook 37. 330-339.
Ding, B., O.A. Ryder, X. Wang, S.C. Bai, S.Q. Zhou, Y.-P. Zhang. 2000. Molecular basis of albinism in the rhesus monkey . Mutation Research 449. 1-6.
Douglass, R.J., A.J. Kuenzi, T. Wilson, R.C. Van Horn. 2000. Effects of bleeding nonanesthetized wild rodents on handling mortality and subsequent recapture. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 36. 700-704.
Durrant, B., S. Harper, D. Amodeo, A. Anderson. 2000. Effects of freeze rate on cryosurvival of domestic dog epididymal sperm. Journal of Andrology 21. 59.
Durrant, B.S., D. Amodeo, A. Anderson, M.A. Olson. 2000. Effect of extraction methods on cryopreservation of canine epididymal sperm. Biology of Reproduction 62. 144.
Durrant, B.S. 2000. Development of in vitro oocyte maturation and cryopreservation techniques for the domestic dog as a model for germplasm rescue in endangered carnivores. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology Animal 36. 7A.
Durrant, B.S., K.D. Russ, J.R. Proulx, M. Reddy, S.H. Ridgway. 2000. Current techniques for semen cryopreservation in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). . Pages 239-248 in Report from the Bottlenose Dolphin Reproduction Workshop. Edited by D.A. Duffield, and T.R. Robeck. American Zoological Association Marine Mammal Taxon Advisory Group, Silver Springs, Maryland / United States.
Durrant, B.S. 2000. Challenges in developing reproductive programs in exotic animals. Pages 157-162 in Report from the Bottlenose Dolphin Reproduction Workshop. Edited by D.A Duffield, and T.R. Robeck. American Zoological Association Marine Mammal Taxon Advisory Group, Silver Springs, Maryland / United States.
Groves, C.P., O.A. Ryder. 2000. Systematics and phylogeny of the horse. Pages 1-24 in The Genetics of the Horse . Edited by A.T. Bowling, and A. Ruvinsky. Centre for Biosciences and Agriculture International, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.
Houck, M.L., S.C. Kingswood, A.T. Kumamoto. 2000. Comparative cytogenetics of tapirs, genus Tapirus (Perissodactyla, Tapiridae). Cytogenetic and Genome Research 89. 110-115.
Ibarguchi, G., T. P. Birt, K. I. Warheit, P. T. Boag, V. L. Friesen. 2000. Microsatellite Loci from Common and Thick-Billed Murres, Uria aalge and U. lomvia. Molecular Ecology 9. 638-639.
Kingswood, S.C., A.T. Kumamoto, S.J. Charter, M.L. Houck, K. Benirschke. 2000. Chromosomes of the antelope genus Kobus (Artiodactyla, Bovidae): Karyotypic divergence by centric fusion rearrangements. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 91. 128-133.
Lemm, J.M., A.C. Alberts. 2000. Herps of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba: a look at the snakes, lizards and amphibians of Cuba. Reptiles 8. 10-25.
Nichols, D.K., E.W. Lamirande, A.P. Pessier, J.E. Longcore. 2000. Experimental transmission and treatment of cutaneous chytridiomycosis in poison dart frogs (Dendrobates auratus and Dendrobates tinctorius). Pages 42-44 in Joint Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians and the International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine. Edited by C.K. Baer, and M.M. Willette. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, Orlando, Florida/United States of America.
Oakenfull, E.A., H.N. Lim, O.A. Ryder. 2000. A survey of equid mitochondrial DNA: Implications for the evolution, genetic diversity and conservation of Equus. Conservation Genetics 1. 341-355.
Olson, M.A., B. Durrant, K. Russ. 2000. Short and long term storage of giant panda sperm. Journal of Andrology 21. 59.
Olson, M.A., A. Anderson, D. Amodeo, B. Durrant. 2000. Cryopreservation of canine oocytes from preantral follicles. Biology of Reproduction 62. 145.
Ralls, K., J.D. Ballou, B.A. Rideout, R. Frankham. 2000. Genetic management of chondrodystrophy in California condors . Animal Conservation 3. 145-153.
Randall, J.A., K.A. Rogovin, D.M. Shier. 2000. Antipredator behavior of a social desert rodent: footdrumming and alarm calling in the great gerbil, Rhombomys opiums.. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 48. 110-118.
Ryder, O.A. 2000. Genome evolution in Artiodactyla and its relevance to conservation. Pages 295-301 in Antelopes, Deer, and Relatives . Edited by E.S. Vrba, and G.B. Schaller. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut.
Ryder, O.A., A. McLaren, S. Brenner, Y.-P. Zhang, K. Benirschke. 2000. DNA banks for endangered species . Science 288. 275-277.
Ryder, O.A., A. McLaren, Y.-P. Zhang, S. Brenner, K. Benirschke. 2000. Preservation of DNA from endangered species — response . Science 289. 726.
Swaisgood, R.R., D.L. Lindburg, X. Zhou, M.A. Owen. 2000. The effects of sex, reproductive condition and context on discrimination of conspecifics odors by giant pandas. Animal Behaviour 57. 1045-1053.
Van Horn, R.C., R.J. Douglass. 2000. Disinfectant effects on capture rates of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus). American Midland Naturalist 143. 257-260.
Wallace, M.P. 2000. Retaining natural behaviour in captivity for re-introduction programmes. . Pages 300-314 in Behaviour and Conservation. Edited by L.M. Gosling, and W.J. Sutherland. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Work, T.M., J.G. Massey, B.A. Rideout, C.H. Gardiner, D. Ledig, J.P. Dubey. 2000. Fatal Toxoplasmosis in free-ranging endangered ‘Alala from Hawaii . Journal of Wildlife Diseases 36. 205-212.
Zhang, Y., S.K. Lawrance, O.A. Ryder, Y. Zhang, R. Isaza. 2000. Identification of monozygotic twin chimpanzees by microsatellite analysis . American Journal of Primatology 52. 101-106.
Zhang, G.Q., R.R. Swaisgood, R.P. Wei, H.M. Zhang, H.Y. Han, D.S. Li, L.F. Wu, A.M. White, D.G. Lindburg. 2000. A method for encouraging maternal care in the giant panda. . Zoo Biology 19. 53-63.
1999. Propagation of promising high-elevation species native to the Colorado Plateau. The International Plant Propagators’ Society 49.
Alberts, A.C. 1999. Developing recovery strategies for West Indian rock iguanas. Endangered Species Update 16. 107-110.
Alberts, A.C. 1999. IUCN West Indian Iguana Specialist Group Report. Species – Newsletter of the IUCN Species Survival Commission 31-32. 105-106.
Chandra, A.M.S., R.E. Papendick, J. Schumacher, B.L. Homer, P. Wollenman. 1999. Cerebellar herniation in captive lions (Panthera leo). . Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 11. 465-468.
Durrant, B. 1999. Challenged by captivity: Putting the zoo in perspective. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 2. 75-78.
Durrant, B.S., L. Cammidge, S. Wiley, I.B. Carlsson, P. Wesche, K.D. Russ. 1999. Cryopreservation of semen from the drill baboon (Mandrillus leucophaeus). Biology of Reproduction 60. 103.
Gagneux, P., C. Wills, U. Gerloff, D. Tautz, P.A. Morin, C. Boesch, B. Fruth, G. Hohmann, O.A. Ryder, D.S. Woodruff. 1999. Mitochondrial sequences show diverse evolutionary histories of African hominoids . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 96. 5077-5082.
Gyimesi, Z.S., I.H. Stalis, J.M. Miller, C.O. Theon. 1999. Detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies avium in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues of captive exotic birds using polymerase chain reaction. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 30. 348-353.
Hacia, J.G., J.B. Fan, O.A. Ryder, L. Jin, K. Edgemon, G. Ghandour, R.A. Mayer, B. Sun, L. Hsie, C.M. Robbins, L.C. Brody, D. Wang, E.S. Lander, R. Lipshutz, S.P. Fodor, F.S. Collins. 1999. Determination of ancestral alleles for human single-nucleotide polymorphisms using high-density oligonucleotide arrays . Nature Genetics 22. 164-167.
Heaton, J.T., R.J. Dooling, S.M. Farabaugh. 1999. Effects of deafening on the calls and warble song of adult budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus.). Journal of the Acousical Society of America 105. 2010-2019.
Janssen, D.J., B.A. Rideout, M. Edwards. 1999. Tapir medicine . Pages 562-568 in Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, Current Therapy 4. Edited by M.E. Fowler, and R.E. Miller. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Johnson, A.L., J.T. Bridgham, T. Jensen. 1999. BCL-X long protein expression and phosphorylation in granulosa cells. Endocrinology 140. 4521-4529.
Kumamoto, A.T., S.J. Charter, S.C. Kingswood, O.A. Ryder, D.S. Jr. Gallagher. 1999. Centric fusion differences among Oryx dammah, O. gazella, and O. leucoryx (Artiodactyla, Bovidae). Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 86. 74-80.
Lemm, J.M. 1999. Ackies: the natural history and captive husbandry of the spiny-tailed monitor (Varanus acanthurus). Reptiles 7. 48-65.
Longcore, J.E., A.P. Pessier, D.K. Nichols. 1999. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis gen. et sp. nov., a chytrid pathogenic to amphibians. . Mycologia 91. 219-227.
Maguire, J.A., D.A. O’Connor, G.M. Burnell. 1999. An Investigation into Behavioural Indicators of Stress in Juvenile Scallops. Aquaculture International 7(3). 169-177.
Olson, M.A., K.D. Russ, J. Sandler, B.S. Durrant. 1999. Effect of media formulation on nuclear maturation of cultured dog oocytes. Biology of Reproduction 60. 185.
Patton, M.L., R.R. Swaisgood, N.M. Czekala, A.M. White, G.A. Fetter, J.P. Montagne, R.G. Rieches, V.A. Lance. 1999. Reproductive cycle length in southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) as determined by fecal pregnane analysis and behavioral observations. Zoo Biology 18. 111-127.
Pessier, A.P., D.K. Nichols, J.E. Longcore, M.S. Fuller. 1999. Cutaneous chytridiomycosis in poison dart frogs (Dendrobates spp.) and White’s tree frogs (Litoria caerulea). . Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 11. 194-199.
Sakagami, M., K. Hiromura, L.G. Chemnick, O.A. Ryder. 1999. Distribution of the ERE-1 family in Perissodactyla . Mammalian Genome 10. 930-933.
Shier, D.M., S.I. Yoerg. 1999. What Footdrumming Signals in Kangaroo Rats (Dipodomys heermanni). Journal of Comparative Psychology 113. 66-73.
Swaisgood, R.R., D.G. Lindburg, X. Zhou. 1999. Giant pandas discriminate individual differences in conspecific scent. . Animal Behaviour 57. 1045-1053.
Swaisgood, R.R., D.H. Owings, M.P. Rowe. 1999. Conflict and assessment in a predator-prey system: ground squirrels versus rattlesnakes. . Animal Behaviour 57. 1033-1044.
Swaisgood, R.R., M.P. Rowe, D.H. Owings. 1999. Assessment of rattlesnake dangerousness by California ground squirrels: exploitation of cues from rattling sounds. Animal Behaviour 57. 1301-1310.
Tepper, E.M., V.J. Hare, R.R. Swaisgood, D.G. Lindburg, G.Q. Zhang, D.M. Ripsky, K. Hawk, G. Hilpman. 1999. Enrichment for two: giant panda enrichment at the San Diego Zoo. American Zoo and Aquarium Association National Conference Proceedings, 1999. 393.
Zhang, Y.-P., O.A. Ryder. 1999. Primate evolution — in and out of Africa . Current Biology 9. R119-122.
Zhang, Y.W., O.A. Ryder, Y.-P. Zhang. 1999. Sequence evolution of the CCR5 chemokine receptor gene in primates . Molecular Biology and Evolution 16. 1145-1154.
Alberts, A.C., M.L. Oliva, M.B. Worley, S.R. Telford, Jr., P.J. Morris, D.L. Janssen. 1998. The need for pre-release health screening in animal translocations: A case study of the Cuban iguana (Cyclura nubila). Animal Conservation 1. 165-172.
Alberts, A.C. 1998. IUCN West Indian Iguana Specialist Group Report. Species – Newsletter of the IUCN Species Survival Commission 30. 62-63.
Douglass, R.J., T. Wilson, W.J. Semmons, S.N. Zanto, C.W. Bond, R.C. Van Horn, J.N. Mills. 2001. Longitudinal studies of Sin Nombre virus in deer mouse-dominated ecosystems of Montana. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 65. 33-41.
Durrant, B.S., S.E. Millard, D.M. Zimmerman, D.G. Lindburg. 2001. Lifetime semen production in a cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus). Zoo Biology 20. 359-366.
Durrant, B.S., D.V. Amodeo, A. Cheng, D.M. Zimmerman. 2001. The effect of estrous cycle stage on preantral follicle morphology in the domestic dog. Biology of Reproduction 64. 145.
Grant, T.D., A.C. Alberts. 2001. Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillei (San Diego coast horned lizard). Predation and telemetry. Herpetological Review 32. 257.
Grant, T.D., A.C. Alberts. 2001. Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillei (San Diego coast horned lizard). Predation and telemetry. Herpetological Review 32. 257.
Houck, M.L., A.T. Kumamoto, D.S. Gallagher Jr., K. Benirschke. 2001. Comparative cytogenetics of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus). Cytogenetic and Genome Research 93. 249-252.
Howard, J.G., Z. Zhang, R. Hou, M. Zhang, J. Zhang, S. Huang, H. Zhang, Y. Huang, D. Li, B. Durrant, R. Spindler, D.E. Wildt. 2001. Reproductive status of male giant pandas. Journal of Andrology 64. 101.
Jacobson, E.R., F. Origgi, A.P. Pessier, E.W. Lamirande, I. Walker, B. Whitaker, I.H. Stalis, R. Nordhausen, J.W. Owens, D.K. Nichols, D. Heard, B. Homer. 2001. Paramyxovirus infection in caiman lizards (Draecena guianensis). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 13. 143-151.
Jensen, T., A.L. Johnson. 2001. Expression and function of brain derived neurotrophin factor and its receptor, trkB, in ovarian follicles from the domestic hen (Gallus gallus domesticus). Journal of Experimental Biology 204. 2087-2095.
Kumamoto, A.T., M.L. Houck. 2001. Cytogenetic identification of a hybrid owl monkey, Aotus nancymaae x Aotus lemurinus griseimembra. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 32. 130-133.
Lear, T.L., M.L. Houck, Y.W. Zhang, L.A. Debnar, M.R. Sutherland-Smith, L. Young, K.L. Jones, K. Benirschke. 2001. Trisomy 17 in a bonobo (Pan paniscus) and deletion of 3q in a lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla): comparison with human trisomy 18 and deletion 4q syndrome. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 95. 228-233.
Lemm, J.M. 2001. Die häufigsten Warane im Tierhandel- Arten und Grundlagen der Haltung . Draco 7. 20-29.
Lemm, J.M. 2001. A great deal to sing about: The wildlife of Eastern Queensland. Fauna 2. 6-21.
Lindburg, D.G., N.M. Czekela, R.R. Swaisgood. 2001. Hormonal and behavioral relationships during estrus in the giant panda. . Zoo Biology 20. 537-543.
Maschinski, J. 2001. Impacts of ungulate herbivores on a rare willow at the southern edge of its range. Biological Conservation 101(1). 119-130.
Maschinski, J., L. Holter. 2001. Southwestern Rare and Endangered Plant Conference: Proceedings of the Third Conference; 2000 September 25-28; Flagstaff, AZ. RMRS-P-23. Fort Collins,Co: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 250 pp.
Maschinski, J. 2001. Extinction Risk of Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus in Holy Ghost Canyon With and Without Management Intervention. Southwestern Rare and Endangered Plant Conference: Proceedings of the Third Conference. 2000 September 25-28; Flagstaff, AZ. RMRS-P-23, Fort Collins,Co: USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 250 pp,
Maschisnki, J. 2001. Timing and intensity of Herbivory on a rare understory species. Southwestern Rare and Endangered Plant Conference: Proceedings of the Third Conference. 2000 September 25-28; Flagstaff, AZ. RMRS-P-23, Fort Collins,Co: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 250pp.,
Murphy, W.J., E. Eizirik, W.E. Johnson, Y.-P. Zhang, O.A. Ryder, S.J. O’Brien. 2001. Molecular phylogenetics and the origins of placental mammals . Nature 409. 614-618.
Murphy, W.J., E. Eizirik, S.J. O’Brien, M. Scally, C.J. Douady, E. Teeling, O.A. Ryder, M.J. Stanhope, W.W. de Jong, M.S. Springer. 2001. Resolution of the early placental mammal radiation using Bayesian phylogenetics . Science 294. 2348-2351.
Nichols, D.K., E.W. Lamirande, A.P. Pessier, J.E. Longcore. 2001. Experimental transmission of cutaneous chytridiomycosis in dendrobatid frogs. Journal of Widlife Diseases 37. 1-11.
Olson, M.A., A.C. Anderson, D. Amodeo, B.S. Durrant. 2001. Resumption of meiosis in canine oocytes cultured with or without bovine serume albumin and gonadotropins. . Theriogenology 55. 489.
Olson, M.A., B.S. Durrant. 2001. Recovery and cryopreservation of germplasm in rare and endangered species. Program of the 15th annual meting of the Society for Conservation Biology 139-140.
Patton, M.L., A.M. White, R.R. Swaisgood, R.L. Sproul, G.A. Fetter, J. Kennedy, M. Edwards, V. Lance. 2001. Aggression control in a bachelor herd of fringe-eared oryx (Oryx gazella) with melengestrol acetate: behavioral and endocrine observations. . Zoo Biology 20. 375-388.
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